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Bellwork: August 22nd Preview Review

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1 Bellwork: August 22nd Preview Review
1. Describe a government that is a republic. Preview Name these three buildings. 4. 2. 3. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

2 The three branches of Government
1. President / Executive Branch 2. Congress / Legislative Branch 3. Supreme Court / Judicial Branch

3 Be sure and get it signed!!
Project Information Be sure and get it signed!!

4 Read handout page 304 Checks and Balances

5 Checks and Balances Demonstration
Need 6 volunteers 1a – Congress ‘I have the power to create laws” 1b – President “I have the power to veto laws” 1c – Supreme Court “I have the power to decide if the law is allowed by the Constitution”

6 Checks and Balances Demonstration
2a – President “I am the Commander of the military.” 2b – Congress “I can declare war and decide how money is spent.” 2c – Supreme Court “I decide if actions by the President or Congress are allowed by the Constitution.”

7 Rome’s 3 Branches of Government
Comp book page 6. Title it: “Roman Legacy: Government”

8 Comp Book page 6 Roman Legacy: Government
Our government in the US today is influenced by the ancient Romans. Both governments are Republics (leaders and representatives were elected) Both governments have three separate branches. Both governments have a system of Checks and Balances to ensure one branch does not get too much power.

9 The three branches of Government
1. President / Executive Branch 2. Congress / Legislative Branch 3. Supreme Court / Judicial Branch

10 Who leads and represents YOU?
President Donald Trump This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND US Senator Lamar Alexander US Senator Bob Corker Congressman Scott Desjarlais

11 Which of these are true? The Roman Republic has 3 branches with the Assemblies and Tribunes being the most powerful. The United States government is modeled after the Roman Republic. The President is the most powerful branch in our government, just like the Magistrates were the most powerful in Rome. Rome had people in government to represent (speak for) their citizens just like the United States has representatives in government who speak for our citizens. Ancient Rome and the United States’ governments are both dictatorships.

12 Conclusion 1. 2. 4. How have our ideas about Law and Justice in the United States been influenced by Roman ideas? (think back to the plays) 3. 5. How has our government in the United States been influenced by Rome’s government?

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