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Your assignment is due on the 24th May

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2 Your assignment is due on the 24th May
That is 2 weeks from today! You will have 3 lessons to work on your assignment in class

3 Task: Develop a classroom constitution that will reflect the rights and responsibilities of all students to create the best possible working environment for all.

4 Your assignment must include:

5 Your classroom constitution may be presented:
On paper, in any format you wish. It could be a poster, a booklet, scroll or a document. It can be handwritten or typed. You can include pictures that are appropriate to the topic, as part of your written presentation

6 Steps to success Step 3 State who will be considered a member of the organisation (no names) Step 1 Write the name of the organisation (ie. 7 HaSS) Step 2 Write the purpose of the organisation Step 4 Write a preamble to the constitution (a brief paragraph that states the overall purpose of the constitution. Step 5 Provide the rules and responsibilities of the people leading the organisation (teachers)

7 Step 6 Provide the rules and responsibilities for all members of the organisation Steps to success Step 8 Explain how and when a referendum (vote on changing the constitution) can be called Step 7 Outline what action can be taken if members do not follow the rules Step 9 Explain how amendments (changes) can be made to the constitution Step 10 Don’t forget your bibliography, draft and notes!


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