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Wish List December 11th - 15th Mrs. Andrews December Birthdays:

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1 Wish List December 11th - 15th Mrs. Andrews December Birthdays:
Reminders: Please have your wrapped socks and goodie for our party here by Friday so I can make sure everyone has one to open! If anyone needs help with this please just let me know! December Birthdays: Aliyah 12/27 Malahky 12/31 What We’re Learning: Reading: Christmas Stories Phonics: Christmas Activities Math: Christmas math Homework: New December Reading goal is 10 books since this is a short month Wish List Extra snacks Sugar For reindeer Food!

2 I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Snack Helpers: Monday: Brantley Tuesday: Wyatt Wednesday: Miley Thursday: Maddox Friday: Jack Monday (18th): Aliyah’s Please remember that we are doing milk/hot cocoa and cookies for our Christmas party if you are signed up to bring an item Upcoming Dates: Kindergarten testing The next two weeks. Christmas Party will Be Dec. 19th from 10:15-11:15 Christmas Break Dec. 20- Jan. 4 I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Contact Information: ext. 7 Plan time is from 9:30-10:15

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