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j j j jet jet jet jar jar jar jacket jellyfish

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Presentation on theme: "j j j jet jet jet jar jar jar jacket jellyfish"— Presentation transcript:

1 j j j jet jet jet jar jar jar jacket jellyfish
Date: j j j jet jet jet jar jar jar jacket jacket jacket jellyfish jellyfish jellyfish Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 4호 p1

2 k k k kangaroo kangaroo kangaroo key key
Date: k k k kangaroo kangaroo kangaroo key key key king king king koala koala koala Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 4호 p2

3 l l lion lion lamp lamp lamp
Date: l l l lion lion lion lamp lamp lamp lemon lemon lemon leaf leaf leaf Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-1 4호 p3

4 id id id lid lid lid kid kid kid Drawing Activity Date: . . .
e-ELF English Level-2 4호 p1

5 it it it kit kit kit sit sit sit Drawing Activity Date: . . .
e-ELF English Level-2 4호 p2

6 ix ix ix mix mix mix fix fix fix Drawing Activity Date: . . .
e-ELF English Level-2 4호 p3

7 ill ill ill ill ill hill hill
Date: ill ill ill ill ill ill hill hill hill Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-2 4호 p4

8 Date: lime dime Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p1

9 Date: kite bite Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p2

10 Can I have the kite? Can I have the dime? No, the lime is mine!
Date: Can I have the kite? Can I have the dime? Can I have the lime? No, the lime is mine! I want to bite it! e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p3

11 Date: wire tire Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p4

12 Date: five hive Drawing Activity e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p5

13 Don’t touch the hive. Run!
Date: We ride five bikes. We have five bikes and ten tires. We have five wires. We see a hive. Don’t touch the hive. Run! e-ELF English Level-3 4호 p6

14 Date: e-ELF English extra1

15 Date: e-ELF English extra1

16 Date: e-ELF English extra2

17 Date: e-ELF English extra2

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