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World Cultural Geography The 5 Themes of Geography

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1 World Cultural Geography The 5 Themes of Geography
pgs. 5-9 Unit 1 Day 1

2 What’s geography vs history?
Geography is the study of the earth History is the study of events over time Tools of the trade: Maps, photos, and the 5 themes

3 What are the 5 themes? Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Regions

4 Location Where is it? Absolute location: exact place on Earth where a geographic feature, such as where a city is, e.g. Longitude and Latitude (global location) OR a street address (local location) Hemisphere Equator Prime meridian Relative location: describes a place in comparison to other places around it using landmarks, time, directions, or distance. Latitude: lines on a map that run parallel to the equator Longitude: lines on a map that run parallel to the prime meridian


6 PLACE What is it like? Human Characteristics Physical Characteristics
What are the main languages, customs, and beliefs. How many people live, work, and visit a place. Physical Characteristics Landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.), climate, vegetation, wildlife, soil, etc.

How do people relate to the physical world? We depend on it. People depend on the Tennessee River for water and transportation. We modify it. People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort. We adapt to it. We adapt to the environment by wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine.

8 MOVEMENT How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place?
Human Movement Trucks, Trains, Planes Information Movement Phones, computer ( ), mail Idea Movement How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines

9 REGIONS How are Regions similar to and different from other places?
Formal Regions Regions defined by governmental or administrative boundaries (States, Countries, Cities) Regions defined by similar characteristics (Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain region, Chinatown). Functional Regions Regions defined by a function (newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area). Vernacular Regions Regions defined by peoples perception (middle east, the south, etc.)

10 Remembering the 5 themes
If you can’t remembering what they are just ask MR. HELP!!! M – Movement R – Regions HE – Human Environment interaction L – Location P - Place

11 Assignment (40 points) With a partner (everyone still turns in an individual assignment) Using the 5 themes of geography, develop a brochure describing the community you live in. Use pictures, sketches and maps to describe the area,(you can get these on the internet or draw them yourself) Also, using words, describe your community You must: A title (5 pts) Have at least 2 clear pictures or drawings that depict your home community (10 pts) An official map of the area (5 pts) A clear use of each of the five themes of geography. These will be written. Look back the questions contained in the notes as a guide (20 points)

12 Mr. Goalen’s 5 Themes Region: Mandarin; Jacksonville, Florida
Location: Mandarin High School 4831 Greenland Rd Place: Near St. John’s River; Humid climate; Pine trees everywhere Region: Mandarin; Jacksonville, Florida Human Env. Interaction: My swimming pool Movement: Driving to work; Sending s;

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