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March 26th-30th Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Monday Tuesday

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1 March 26th-30th Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Monday Tuesday
Cereal Organic Milk Goldfish Water Beef Noodle Casserole Carrots Pineapple Breadsticks and Marinara Sauce Tuesday Pita Chips with Hummus Tomato Soup Cheese Quesadilla Wedges Fruit Cocktail Sliced Cucumbers Pretzels Wednesday Graham Crackers Make your own Nachos! (beef, beans, cheese, lettuce, and salsa) Corn Fresh Fruit Trail Mix Thursday Granola Bar Hot Dog on a Bun Chips Mixed Vegetables Peaches Crackers with Sunflower Butter Friday Applesauce Chicken Alfredo Pasta Garden Salad Mandarin Oranges Wheat Crackers and Cheese Stick Breakfast is served between 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. Organic milk is served with breakfast and lunch. **Menu subject to change due to availability of food items.

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