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Peripheral Navigation & Blind Spot Alert System

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Presentation on theme: "Peripheral Navigation & Blind Spot Alert System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peripheral Navigation & Blind Spot Alert System
Team Members Aaron Lecomte Zachary Cook Adam Downey Meredith Swanson Tina Tomaszewski Advisor Andrew Kun

2 Overview Problem Definition Design Objectives
Implementation and Testing Plan Budget Estimate Timing Schedule Distribution of Work

3 Problem Definition Drivers find themselves frequently taking their eyes off the road as technology advances. Current GPS requires drivers to look at a display to view directions. There are many accidents due to drivers not knowing something is present in their blind spot (840,000 yearly reported by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration)

4 Design Objectives Within the Driving Simulator
Design a peripheral directional system Increase percent dwell time (PDT) spent paying attention to the road from 90.4% to a higher percentage. Design a blind spot alert system Reduce car accidents due to blind spot misjudgment. Design a simulator driving environment to test these systems

5 Implementation for Peripheral Navigation
Design and build LED arrays to display directions in a non-distracting manner  Located above driver’s line of sight within the simulator Development of a software interface between the arrays, GPS, and Arduino microcontroller

6 Implementation for Peripheral Navigation
LED Array Navigation System

7 Implementation of Blind Spot Detection System
Construct a separate notification system to alert drivers   Use the microcontroller to implement this device  Develop a separate program to interface between the alert system and the microcontroller

8 Implementation for Peripheral Navigation
LED Blind Spot Detection System

9 Navigation Testing Use HyperDrive design software to simulate virtual world incorporating various types of real world scenarios. Place human subjects in the simulator to test efficiency of standard GPS versus our peripheral system Obtain data using the eye tracker to help determine PDT Compare PDT spent looking at the road for both tests Possible Scenarios Intersections Oncoming Traffic Parked vehicles Pedestrians

10 Blind Spot Alert Testing
Use HyperDrive design software to simulate virtual world incorporating various types of real world scenarios. Obtain data using eye tracker Survey drivers about the usefulness of the blind spot alert system Possible Scenarios within the Simulator Intersections Highway Driving Lane Merges Toll plazas Two lane rotaries Motorcyclists

11 Budget Estimate Description Price ($) Total Arduino Mega 2650 $ 50.00
Description   Price ($)  Arduino Mega 2650   $                                LED's  $                                Soldering equipment  ECE Dept. Equipment   Wiring connectors  $                                Mounting materials  Bread boards  $                                5.00   Participant compensation for 15 $10 per person  $                             Volunteer Participants $ Miscellaneous materials   $                             Total  $                           

12 Timing Schedule Semester I

13 Timing Schedule Semester II

14 Responsibilities Aaron Lecomte Zachary Cook Adam Downey
Arduino Software Design Algorithm for GPS and Blind Spot Detection Arduino\Simulator Interface Zachary Cook Create Driving Simulator Test Environment Adam Downey Circuit Design of LED Arrays Fabrication and Testing of the LED Array Meredith Swanson Gather data from simulator Analyze the Data From Simulator and Organize Results Tina Tomaszewski Recruit Human Test Subjects Creation of User Survey Appropriate Parts and Supplies

15 Questions?

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