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Emails © Mgr. Markéta Čeřovská.

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Presentation on theme: "Emails © Mgr. Markéta Čeřovská."— Presentation transcript:

1 s © Mgr. Markéta Čeřovská

2 layout – the head in the head of the we find basic information: To... - includes the address of the reader or readers of the Cc... – includes an address or addresses of people whom we have sent a copy of the B.c.c. – blind carbon copies – used if you do not want the main recipient to know who has received copies of the Subject – key words of the content of the Attachments

3 Email address email addresses contain a number of symbols: . = dot
@ = at / = slash _ = underscore - = hyphen

4 Style of business emails
business s follow the same rules as business letters formal salutations are used do not use contracted forms (We are sorry x We´re sorry) write clearly, carefully and politely use correct grammar, spelling and phrases keep your s short and to the point use formal English and formal tone of the use business abbreviations if necessary (pcs., asap) do not use emoticons, they are considered unprofessional

5 Style of more personal emails
if you know the recipient well and have a less formal working relationship, you can use a less formal tone of the you can substitute formal salutations with Hello, Hi you can use a more informal tone you do not have to use very formal phrases you can use emoticons if you are exchanging s with somebody who you got to know well (a secretary from another company, colleague from another department, etc.)

6 Sources: A. ASHLEY. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press 2007 Paul EMMERSON. English. Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013

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