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2 What’s a REPORT? A report should be practical and business-like. It should present the necessary information as clearly as possible so that the reader can follow it easily, and it should express an overall opinion at the end. You can simply begin with a heading or you can write the report in the form of a memo to a particular person or group if you wish. A report is a factual description of an event or situation. It may be written for a superior (e.g. a teacher, a manager), a peer group (e. g. colleagues) or a general audience (e. g. a committee). A report should be practical and business-like. The writer of the report should present the necessary information as clearly as possible so that the reader can follow it easily, and it should express an overall opinion and / or make suggestions or recommendations at the end.

3 Report on College Library Facilities In order to prepare this report, I visited the college library on several occasions and interviewed the librarians and a number of students. General The library has a welcoming atmosphere and most people said that it was easy to find your way around. It is well decorated and well-lit and the only problem is that there are not quite enough tables and chairs for everyone at busy times. Books There is a very good selection of books for all subjects but according to the librarians there is sometimes a waiting list when a particular book has been recommended by a teacher. The catalogue system is rather complicated and surprisingly it does not appear to have been updated recently. Newspapers and magazines The range of newspapers and magazines is excellent and they seem to be well used. Conclusion The library facilities are very good, on the whole, but I would recommend providing additional copies of popular books, supplying a small number of extra chairs, and improving and updating the catalogue system.

4 Structure A report should be clearly organised. Headings may be included. When you write a report, clarity is essential. You should organise your report into paragraphs, and use each paragraph to deal with different information. You should clearly explain the objective of the report at the beginning, and draw conclusions and / or make suggestions or recommendations at the end of the report. Title: this needs to be clear and simple to help the reader know what you will be discussing in the report. Introductory paragraph: it should state the purpose of the report and where the information was gathered. You may invent where you got the information. Different paragraphs or sections to deal with separate aspects of a subject. Use a clear layout with a division into paragraphs according to the input. You may include: • Headings: they will make it clear that your report is not an essay or review. • Lists of numbered points or bullets where appropriate. (DON'T overdo it, though. If you use them in more than one section, you won't be able to show the full range of structures and vocabulary you know.) Conclusive paragraph: to give a clear summary of the situation (and a recommendation if necessary). Only give the recommendations in this last paragraph.

Style You should use formal, objective, factual, impersonal language. Remember to avoid contractions. USEFUL PHRASES FOR EACH OF THE PARAGRAPHS Introduction Stating the purpose of the report (paragraph 1): The main aim / objective / purpose of this report is to compare / examine / evaluate / describe / outline (some suggestions) / analyse (some suggestions) / expose / present / give information on /consider / suggest... // This report is intended to inform sb of sth // This report looks at... / deals with... // This report contains my comments on... Describing how you got the information (paragraph 1): To prepare for this report, I conducted interviews with... / I visited three of the most popular... / I discussed the issue with... // In order to prepare this report, I visited / interviewed / studied... Reporting your results (paragraphs 2, 3,...): The first observation to make is... // The first observation concerns... // Several people said / told me / suggested / thought that... // Most people / The majority of people seem to / tend to... // It appears / seems that... // It is interesting / surprisingly / strange that... // Interestingly / Surprisingly / Strangely / Not surprisingly..., // According to most / the majority of respondents... , // It appears that the majority of ... // Many of those interviewed stated that.... // A cause of dissatisfaction was... // The following were the main reasons given for supporting..:

6 Presenting a list: firstly,. , secondly,
Presenting a list: firstly,..., secondly,... // Points mentioned in favour of / against... were: ... // There are several ways in which... might be...:// They gave / suggested the following reasons: ... // They made the following points: ... Comparing and contrasting: One of the main differences between X and Y is that... // X is totally / entirely / completely different from Y, in that...// Unlike X, Y is...// While / Whereas X is..., Y is... // Although X is..., Y is... // Despite the fact that X is..., it is nevertheless the most... Making recommendations (last paragraph): All things considered... // My overall recommendation / opinion / feeling is that... // I have no hesitation recommending... // On the whole I believe we can... // It would seem that... is the best idea. // Taking all the factors mentioned into account... // I would therefore recommend (+ -ing)... // I would strongly recommend that... should + bare infinitive // Clearly, more could be done to... Therefore, I would make the following recommendations:... // We have no hesitation in recommending... // I would strongly / highly recommend ... // My first / second Concluding: As long as / provided that these recommendations are taken into consideration... // In conclusion... // The research shows / demonstrates... // From the research / the evidence we conclude that…

7 Task Your university is doing some research into student’s satisfaction and a team of volunteers have asked students about the following: testing and registration of new students, the classes, the self-study center, the cafeteria. You, as the lead of the team, are responsible to write a report with the results. Write your report in 250 words. Due date: 6th March

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