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Centennial APS Meeting

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1 Centennial APS Meeting
Charm Physics at CLEO Centennial APS Meeting Mats Selen, University of Illinois (speaking for the CLEO collaboration) March 23, 1999 APS Centennial

2 (Charge conjugation implied throughout)
This Presentation: New D0 mixing results Kp mixing analysis (including lifetime) (David Asner) CP-even KK and pp lifetime results (Tony Hill) Charmed Meson Spectroscopy First observation of broad D1(j=1/2) (Tim Nelson, Harry Nelson) B(Lc  pKp ) absolute measurement New method described Preliminary results presented (Dave Besson, Russ Stutz) (Charge conjugation implied throughout) APS Centennial

3 Our Detector: (CLEO-II & II.V)
Svx + HePr APS Centennial

4 Our Accelerator (CESR)
9 fb-1 CLEO II.V Integrated Luminosity CLEO II took 4.7 fb-1 prior to this 32.3 pb-1 Daily Luminosity 1996 1997 1998 APS Centennial

5 Our Data: This Presentation: On(2/3) Off(1/3)
Mixing Analysis: 5.7 fb-1 CLEO-II.V (SVX) DJ & Lc Analyses: 4.7 fb-1 CLEO-II APS Centennial

6 Mixing Analysis: Time evolution of D & D0 mesons Decay eigenstates
Define Where APS Centennial

7 What we are sensitive to in the Kp mixing analysis:
Where D0 on shell pp,KK… can be relatively large in S.M. off small in S.M. Window on New Physics It will eventually be very important to disentangle “x” and “y” CP eigenstate lifetime analysis will tell us about “y” independent of “x” APS Centennial

8 Mixing in D0  Kp decays: p+ “wrong-sign” D*+ p- D0 K+ RMIX = p+ D*+
“right-sign” But “wrong-sign” events can also come from Doubly Cabibbo Supressed Decays (DCSD): p+ D*+ “wrong-sign” p- D0 K+ APS Centennial

9 Mixing vs DCSD: Same initial & final states !
p+ p- K+ D*+ D0 p+ p- K+ Same initial & final states ! Bad news if this is all the info available But theres more... 1) Amplitudes evolve differently in time. 2) Amplitudes can interfere. Can use timing information to help untangle Mixing from DCSD APS Centennial

10 The total “wrong-sign” rate is given by:
(Where t is measured in D0 lifetimes) 100% mixed 100% DCSD cosf = 1 cosf = 0 cosf =-1 N(t) D0 lifetimes RMIX = RDCSD RMIX / (RMIX+RDCSD) t(WS) t(D0) APS Centennial

11 Analysis uses excellent kinematic resolution to
5.7 MeV Analysis uses excellent kinematic resolution to stop K-p+ feedthrough, and relies on good Particle-ID to suppress backgrounds. APS Centennial

12 APS Centennial

13 Systematic Errors RWS = (0.31  0.09  0.07) % APS Centennial

14 Results: Aleph: RDCSD  1 CLEO-II  1 RMIX 95% CL E791 Klv 90% CL
E691 90% CL CLEO-II.5  1 Preliminary APS Centennial

15 t(ws) = ( 0.650.4 (stat+sys) )x t(D0)
Using Lifetime Info: t(ws) = ( 0.650.4 (stat+sys) )x t(D0) 100% mixed 100% DCSD cosf = 1 cosf = 0 cosf =-1 N(t) D0 lifetimes RMIX = RDCSD Exploit this info to limit RMIX APS Centennial

16 Limits have been calculated for all cosf (ask me after)
Mixing Results: Aleph: RDCSD  1 RMIX 95% CL CLEO-II  1 E791 Klv 90% CL E691 90% CL E791  1 CLEO-II.V 90% CL Preliminary Limits have been calculated for all cosf (ask me after) APS Centennial

17 What we are sensitive to in the Kp mixing analysis:
Where D0 on shell pp,KK… can be relatively large in S.M. off small in S.M. Window on New Physics It will eventually be very important to disentangle “x” and “y” CP eigenstate lifetime analysis will tell us about “y” independent of “x” APS Centennial

18 CP-even Lifetime Analysis:
Look for G(D0K-p+ )  G(D0p-p+, K- K+ ) This is a direct measure of DG ! (i.e. measure “y” independent of “x”) Plan: Measure t(D0K-p+ ) t(D0p-p+) t(D0K- K+ ) Both CP=+1 Should have the same lifetimes D0K-p+ , D0p-p+, and D0K- K+ are easy to distinguish kinematically Don’t need particle-ID APS Centennial

19 CP-even Yields: APS Centennial

20 Lifetime Fits: Use unbinned maximum likelihood fit to
extract signal lifetimes: APS Centennial

21 Based on our present measurement:
Extracting “y”: Look for G(D0K-p+ )  G(D0p-p+, K- K+ ) Where t+ (t-) are the CP even (odd) lifetimes, and tKp = (t+ + t- )/2 Based on our present measurement: y =  0.034 or  y  (90% CL) CLEO II.V Preliminary APS Centennial

22 Putting it all together
y x CLEO II.V Preliminary APS Centennial

23 Future mixing prospects
CP odd eigenstate lifetime analysis sneak preview Lots more data to analyze APS Centennial

24 Charm Meson Spectroscopy
j=1/2 j=3/2 j=3/2 j=1/2 We search for D1(j=1/2) D1(j=3/2) D2*(j=3/2) Previously not seen B-  p- Previously seen D*+p- D0p+ APS Centennial

25 B-  DJ0p-; DJ0  D*+p-; D*+  D0p+
Analysis Technique Partial reconstruction: B-  DJ0p-; DJ0  D*+p-; D*+  D0p+ Measure 4-momenta of p-p-p+. Extract signal via 4-D Max Likelihood Fit Fitting Technique 4 independent variables: helicity q2, helicity q3, azimuth , M(D*p) Fit parameters: Yields (3 resonant, 1 non-resonant) Mass and width of broad D1(j=1/2) Mixing and interference between resonances. Strong phases relative to D1(2420) APS Centennial

26 Total Background 1+ d-wave 1+ s-wave 2+ d-wave cos q3 vs cos q2
c vs cos q2 c vs cos q1 Total Background cos q3 vs cos q2 c vs cos q2 c vs cos q1 APS Centennial

27 Fit Results Total background (see below) D1(2420)0 D2*(2460)0
D01(j=1/2) Fit Results APS Centennial

28 Weighted Fit Components
1+ d-wave Weighted 1+ s-wave Weighted 2+ d-wave Weighted Background Weighted APS Centennial

29 Preliminary Results Properties of D1(j=1/2)
With 5.7s significance (second systematic error due to uncertainty modeling strong phases) Spin-Parity assigned to 1+ Tests of JP favor 1+ over 0- (closest alternative). Quark Model: APS Centennial

30 Tag charm with one of these
B(Lc  pKp ) Absolute Why? One of the 4 measured quantities used to normalize all charm analyses B(D0K-p+),B(D+K-p+p+),B(Dsfp+), B(LcpK-p+) Not well determined at present B(LcpK-p+) = (51.3)% PDG Our Technique (NEW): e e- c c D*- D p-s X e- ne p Lc Tag charm with one of these pK-p+ Baryon tag Divide event into hemispheres APS Centennial

31 Two versions: p c c D*- D p-s pK-p+ Lc X e- ne p c c D*- D p-s Lc
Triple correlation analysis (x2): p c c D*- or D p-s pK-p+ Lc X e- ne p c c D*- or D p-s anything Lc X e- ne Double correlation analysis: p c c anything pK-p+ Lc p c c D*- D p-s anything Lc Kp... APS Centennial

32 Yield examples: LcpK-p+ D0K-p+ (Double correlation analysis)
“numerator” LcpK-p+ (same hemisphere as anti-proton tag) “denominator” D0K-p+ (opposite hemisphere from anti-proton tag) Apply efficiency correction and get answer... APS Centennial

33 Sounds easy, but... c c D p N p c c D p+ K- D c c D
Biggest Backgrounds/Corrections: c c D p N Falsely increased denominator p c c anything Count and correct D p+ K- D c c D Falsely increased denominator Fake p tag Study Kaon fake rate as a function proton momentum and correct (15% effect): After correction, p momentum spectrum looks OK. APS Centennial

34 Preliminary Results B(LcpK-p+ ) B(LcpK-p+ ) = (5.0  0.5  1.5) %
Make the physics corrections mentioned on previous page (and other smaller ones): Make appropriate efficiency corrections. B(LcpK-p+ ) Double correlation (4.9  0.5)% Triple correlation (ps tag) (5.2  1.3)% Triple correlation (e tag) (5.6  2.5)% Weighted average: B(LcpK-p+ ) = (5.0  0.5  1.5) % APS Centennial

35 Future Prospects CLEO-III Several New Detector Components
RICH, Drift Chamber, Silicon New CESR cavities & IR Lots more luminosity APS Centennial

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