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Chapter 9 Communicating in Groups

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1 Chapter 9 Communicating in Groups
© 2011 Cengage Learning

2 Learning Outcomes LO1 Analyze the characteristics of an effective work group LO2 Explain various stages of group development LO3 Identify different types of groups LO4 Discuss how to evaluate a group’s performance

3 Analyze the characteristics of an effective work groups
LO1 Analyze the characteristics of an effective work groups © 2011 Cengage Learning

4 Terms to Know Group – three or more people who interact and attempt to influence each other to accomplish a common purpose. Group communication – verbal and nonverbal messages shared in a group. LO1 © 2011 Cengage Learning

5 Healthy Groups… …have ethical goals. …are interdependent.
…are cohesive. …develop and abide by productive norms. …are accountable. …are synergetic. LO1 © 2011 Cengage Learning

6 Explain various stages of group development
© 2011 Cengage Learning

7 Stages of Group Development
Forming: Orientation, testing, dependence Storming: Conflict, power plays, constructive disagreements. © 2011 Cengage Learning

8 Stages of Group Development
Norming: Increased cohesion, collaboration, emerging trust, motivation to achieve group goal. Performing: Harmony, productivity, problem-solving, shared leadership. Adjourning: Goal accomplishment, celebration, disengagement. © 2011 Cengage Learning

9 Identify different types of groups
LO3 Identify different types of groups © 2011 Cengage Learning

10 Families “a group of intimates who through their communication generates a sense of home and group identity, complete with strong ties of loyalty and emotion, and experiences a history and a future” Nuclear Single-parent Extended Blended Mixed LO3 © 2011 Cengage Learning

11 Decisions in Families LO3
Protective families – issues are not discussed, decided solely by authority figure. Consensual families – all members engage in conversation, but authority figure makes decision. Pluralistic families – everyone participates in decision making. Laissez-faire families – each member makes their own decisions. LO3 © 2011 Cengage Learning

12 Support Groups LO3 Composed of people who come together to bolster each other in safe environment for expressing deeply personal feelings. Support groups must create a safe environment for members to disclose highly personal information. © 2011 Cengage Learning

13 Composed of individuals who share a concern, hobby, or activity.
Interest Group Composed of individuals who share a concern, hobby, or activity. Encourage members to share stories. Do so in ways that all members highlight what they know without demeaning others. LO3 © 2011 Cengage Learning

14 Composed of individuals perform charitable work.
Service Groups Composed of individuals perform charitable work. Be clear about individual roles Encourage and praise member accomplishments Be polite LO3 © 2011 Cengage Learning

15 Group of people formed to solve a problem or accomplish a task.
Work Group Group of people formed to solve a problem or accomplish a task. Seek collaboration to resolve conflicts. Update members on status of individual efforts. Appropriately credit member contributions. LO3 © 2011 Cengage Learning

16 Discuss how to evaluate a group’s performance
LO4 Discuss how to evaluate a group’s performance © 2011 Cengage Learning

17 Group Dynamics The way a group interacts to achieve its goal.
LO4 Group Dynamics The way a group interacts to achieve its goal. Effective groups evaluate how their interactions affect their accomplishments, and how members relate to each other. © 2011 Cengage Learning

18 Group Dynamics Evaluation Form
LO4 © 2011 Cengage Learning

19 Group Dynamics Evaluation Form
LO4 © 2011 Cengage Learning

20 Group Dynamics Evaluation Form
LO4 © 2011 Cengage Learning

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