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Current understanding of the nuclear force

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1 Current understanding of the nuclear force
Hiroyuki Kamano Lunch Seminar, July 4 & Symposium for Centennial Celebration of Hideki Yukawa (June 3) Impact and contribution of Yukawa’s meson theory to the modern nuclear physics were mentioned.

2 Repulsive Attractive core
W. Weise “Overview and perspectives in Nuclear Physics” : Plenary talk in INPC2007 < 1 fm ~1-2 fm 2 fm < Repulsive core Attractive Treatment of quark-gluon d.o.f. will be inevitable! or heavy meson (r, w, s …) exchange phenomenological approach

3 “Nuclear Force from Lattice QCD”
by N. Ishii, S. Aoki, T. Hatsuda, to be published in PRL this week. First successful calculation of the nuclear force from quark-gluon d.o.f. . Review article by Prof. F. Wilczek NN potential: Nature 445,157 (2007) Strategy 1. Calculate the (s-wave projected) NN wave function using the Lattice QCD simulations. Obtain the central NN potential at each fixed E from the relation: ( : s-wave projected NN w.f.; : reduced mass) Several articles for this research also appeared in newspapers June 21. ⇒ Calculated using “Blue Gene/L” at KEK

4 Lattice QCD result of the NN central potential
pure Vc Lattice QCD Yukawa’s theory (1p exchange) “effective” Vc = pure Vc + DVc coupling effect with 3D1 state. Lattice QCD captures the essential features of the NN potential in all region! Yukawa’s result (long distance) Repulsive core (short distance)

5 Summary and Perspectives
Further improvements are needed for the quantitative estimations: - Include the virtual pair contribution   (non-quenched calculation) - Use the physical mass. Calculation of other components of the NN potential (LS, tensor etc.) Investigation of physical origin of the repulsive core. Application to (“prediction” of) Nucleon-Hyperon1) and Hyperon-Hyperon potentials. ⇔ Interpretation of Yukawa’s theory: Which contributions and/or mechanisms are responsible for the repulsive core? Closely related to the experimental research of hypernuclei at J-PARC2) 1) Hyperon = Baryon with “strangeness” 2) J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex

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