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Marriage Across Nations

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage Across Nations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage Across Nations
白城师范学院 郭 勇

2 Pictures

3 Pictures Do you know who are they?
What do you know about their spouse?

4 Questions What is the common point of their marriage?
Their marriage is across nations.

5 Questions About marriage across nations, what would you like to say?
Would you like to have a mixed marriage?

6 Background In America, especially, in the past ,
the black is regarded as inferior ones by the white, and the black holds great hatred towards the white.

7 Questions What do you think the marriage between
a white girl and a black man in America? Do you think there will be some difficulties when they are going to get married? Do you think there will be some difficulties in their married life?

8 Marriage Across Nations

9 Structure of the Passage

10 Family Members’ Opinions

11 Weakness and Strengths
Part I-Paragraph 1 Requirement A Quiet Wedding Experience Ups and Downs Characters Weakness and Strengths

12 e.g. Life is full of ups and downs.(人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。)
Language Points The mixture of good and bad experiences Ups and Downs 盛衰、沉浮 e.g. Life is full of ups and downs.(人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。)

13 Language Points Weak points and strong points Weakness and Strengths
不足和长处 e.g. It is important to know your own weaknesses and strengths. (了解自己的缺点和优点很重要。)

14 Paragraph 1:The young couple
Conclusion Paragraph 1:The young couple decided to get a mixed marriage.

15 That’s all. Thank you!

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