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So sagt man das! Asking for help and telling someone to do!

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Presentation on theme: "So sagt man das! Asking for help and telling someone to do!"— Presentation transcript:

1 So sagt man das! Asking for help and telling someone to do!
Kapitel 7-Stufe 2 So sagt man das! Asking for help and telling someone to do!


3 If your friend has a lot to do, you might offer to help
If your friend has a lot to do, you might offer to help. Then he or she could explain what do:

4 Was kann ich für dich tun?
You might ask: What can I do for you? Was kann ich für dich tun?

5 Or

6 Kann ich etwas für dich tun?
You might ask: Can I do something for you? Kann ich etwas für dich tun?

7 Your friend might answer:
Yes, you can sort the trash. Ja, du kannst den Müll sortieren.

8 Or

9 Your friend might answer:
Do you want to vacuum for me? Willst du für mich Staub saugen?

10 You agree: Good! I’ll do it. Gut! Mach ich!

11 What are the German equivalents?
for me für mich

12 What are the German equivalents?
for you (sing) für dich

13 Fertig!

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