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Voids size distribution in the 2dFGRS

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1 Voids size distribution in the 2dFGRS
AIP Volker Müller, Sander von Benda-Beckmann Voids finder and void sizes Analysis of 2dF: self-similar distribution Faint galaxies in 2dF voids Comparison with SAM of Millenium simulation Amsterdam Workshop

2 Void definition 2dF voids Void galaxies
smoothed density field or galaxies underdensity or empty volumes: spheres, ellipsoids, convex on grid void size distribution provides void probability F(>r) -> P0(r) void sizes depend on sample -> void hierarchy 2dF voids count-in-cell study: Croton et al. -> P0(r) as function of N2 void finder of Hoyle, Vogeley -> wall and void galaxies - large voids Patiri et al. -> abundance of large voids here: void finder of Kauffmann & Fairall on grid -> fast & ‚complete‘ Void galaxies much interest, but difficult (low number, wide fields) Amsterdam Workshop

3 Void search yellow: void search including extensions, red: base voids
M., Arbabi, Einasto, Tucker, 00 & 02 LCRS & CDM-mock samples M. & Maulbetsch 04 SDSS yellow: void search including extensions, red: base voids 100 Mpc/h M << M* Void filling factor (VFF) or void size distribution, as function of diameter: f(<D) is fraction of survey volume not contained in voids Illustation void finder M* D / Mpc/h Amsterdam Workshop

4 Void statistics percentile sizes
form samples with mean separation , e.g. diffent random dilution or different magnitude cuts: voids self-similar as function of relative size dependence on M-cutoff and sampling fraction Amsterdam Workshop

5 SDSS equatorial slices
Poisson SDSS void hierarchy: broad differential size distribution Amsterdam Workshop

6 2dF volume limited samples
z Blim V / 106 Mpc3/h3 Mpc/h Nvoid D>20 1 .05-.1 -18.5 7 18 2 .1-.14 -19 55 51 3 .14-.2 -20 4.7 7 9.4 10 sample area galaxies 2x3 volume limited samples: 6000 to galaxies each 5.5 rsp. 7.5 deg thickness ( Mpc/h) k+e-correction uniform completeness threshold: c > % of galaxies % of sky surface undersampled Amsterdam Workshop

7 2dF versus Millenium SAM
Blim = Springel et al., Croton et al. Amsterdam Workshop

8 Abundance of 2dF voids by number
yellow: void search including extensions, red: base voids voids up to radius of Mpc/h Amsterdam Workshop

9 2dF size distribution void size distribution without extensions
strong dependence on samples compare Hoyle & Vogele 04 Amsterdam Workshop

10 Scaling of 2dF size distribution
 = 18 Mpc/h  = 4 Mpc/h Void size quartiles lie on tight linear relations:  = 0.4, 0.8, 1.3 for 25-, med, & 75 percentile Amsterdam Workshop

11 N/SGP vs. model Voids in SAMs of Millenium simulation (Croton et al.) with survey masks: excellent fit of cumulative void size distribution and scaling relation Amsterdam Workshop

12 N/SGP2 versus 500 Mpc/h box Sampples with B < -18, -19, -20, -21 60% dilutions redshift real survey mask Selection effects: sample size, real vs. redshift space, inhomogeous sampling: voids in redshift space are 10% larger than in real space voids in masked fields are 15% smaller than in complete box Amsterdam Workshop

13 Mock size distribution (Millenium simulation)
void sizes depend on galaxy brightness, voids with max. size 40 Mpc/h good statistics: For B>-20: 400 (20000) voids larger than 20 (10) Mpc/h Amsterdam Workshop

14 Void scaling Voids among fainter galaxies have larger relative size
Amsterdam Workshop

15 Void size distribution for different objects
Self-similarity of voids among different objects: galaxies, groups and clusters 2dF/SDSS LCRS groups Amsterdam Workshop

16 Void size evolution Size evolution of voids in small (left) and large halos (right) Evolution of radial void profiles Amsterdam Workshop Arbabi, M. 03

17 Void statistics depends on galaxy sample
bright galaxies define large voids large voids among faint galaxies have large D /  faint galaxies define same structures as bright ones void size distribution mainly parametized by galaxy separation  parameter b describes cut off: f(r) flat from  to b, b = 3 - 4 selection effects due to finite volume voids about 20% larger among red than blue galaxies Void galaxies special conditions for galaxy formation? Amsterdam Workshop

18 Void galaxies (voids D > 8 Mpc/h by B < -20 galaxies)
Color distribution fit by sum of two Gaussian (cp. Baldry et al. 04) similar results for void galaxies in SDSS by Royas et al. (04) and Patiri et al. (06) here: shift of the blue maximum Amsterdam Workshop

19 Void galaxies 2df millenium Amsterdam Workshop

20 Void galaxies Weak influence of void environment on spectral parameter  Similar results for 2dF by Croton et al. (05) for underdense regions on 8 Mpc/h abundance of passive galaxies reduced especially among brighter magnitude bin Amsterdam Workshop

21 Void galaxies Continuous transition from field to void galaxies:
central void galaxies environment Continuous transition from field to void galaxies: higher star formation rates galaxy fraction with low bulge fraction reduced Amsterdam Workshop

22 void filling factor 2dF vs. simulation Void galaxies
self-similar distribution median void size covering 50% of volume quite small: 5 Mpc/h +  maximum voids depend on survey volume: exponential cut-off at 3-5  void size distribution provides void probability: F(>r) <-> P0(r) 2dF vs. simulation size distribution in excellent agreement with mock samples Void galaxies similar bimodality of blue and red galaxies as in the field fraction of red galaxies reduced, blue increased effect stronger for voids among bright galaxies weak effect: blue shift of the colors of blue galaxies Amsterdam Workshop

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