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Helping you to make the grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Helping you to make the grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping you to make the grade!
Student Supports Helping you to make the grade!

2 Formative Assessments – Classwork/Homework
Formative assessments include class assignments, homework, independent review sheets, and preparation materials for summative assessments. All formative assessments assigned by teachers are important because they are helping you to grow closer to understand the material you need to master in each grade. They also help teachers, parents, and most importantly you… identify what you need more practice on.

3 What formative assessments are not…
Busy work Optional Something to copy from a friend To be completed in advisory What formative assessments are not…

4 Because formative assignments are vital to your success and to your learning, we are going to start tracking if students are missing an excessive amount of formative assessments. Any student missing any work in any class will have their name added to an online Excel sheet that all teachers have access to. When a student has reached five missing assignments, there will be some supports put in place to help in completing these assignments – Mandatory Study Hall. Mid-Day Supports

5 After five missing assignments.
Students who have accumulated five or more missing assignments will be referred to building administration. They will then be placed into a two week (10 day) mandatory study hall which will meet in Room 118. This will be a silent study room to get work done and to get help on assignments that you need to complete. If missing assignments continue to be an issue, additional steps will be taken and parents/guardians will be contacted again. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

6 Voluntary Study Hall You can still sign up for study hall to have a place to work during intramurals. You can sign up with one of your teachers. Study Hall will be held in the library and monitored by Ms. Noonan. This is a quiet study room. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

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