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Do Now: What is acceleration? Provide a real life example of an object in the process of acceleration.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What is acceleration? Provide a real life example of an object in the process of acceleration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What is acceleration? Provide a real life example of an object in the process of acceleration.

2 Objective: Agenda: Be able to describe the motion of everyday objects.
Quiz Acceleration and Free Fall Introduction Problems Agenda:

3 Electric Current Notes
Acceleration Acceleration is the rate velocity changes.

4 Electric Current Notes
Acceleration Acceleration = change in velocity in symbols, a = ∆v time t

5 Units of Acceleration Since acceleration is a velocity divided by a time, its units are a distance unit divided by 2 time units. This is commonly written 2 ways: m/s/s = m/s2 km/hr/s = km/hr.s

6 Constant Acceleration
Electric Current Notes Constant Acceleration In many common situations, an object’s acceleration is constant, or at least approximately constant. In this case: Average acceleration = instantaneous acceleration

7 Electric Current Notes
Free Fall Free fall is motion under the influence of gravity.

8 Acceleration in Free Fall
Electric Current Notes Acceleration in Free Fall The acceleration of an object in free fall is constant. At the surface of Earth, the free-fall acceleration is about or 9.8 m/s2.

9 Electric Current Notes
Air Resistance The effect of air resistance is to slow an object down and/or decrease its acceleration.

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