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Cysts connected with the epididymis

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Presentation on theme: "Cysts connected with the epididymis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cysts connected with the epididymis

2 Types Cysts of the epididymis Spermatocele

3 Cysts of the epididymis
Congenital, derived from an embryonic remnant around the epididymis Filled with crystal clear fluid

4 Cysts of the epididymis: clinical features
Found during middle life Usually bilateral Cysts: Located behind the body of the testis Tense (aggregation of a number of small cysts like bunch of tiny grapes) Fluctuation difficult appreciate Transillumination: Chinese lantern pattern

5 Cysts of the epididymis: D/D
Cysts of the appendages of the testis

6 Cysts of the epididymis: T/t
If small no T/t is needed Surgical if the cyst is large & causing discomfort Aspiration is useless, as these cysts are usually multilocular

7 Spermatocele Acquired Unilocular Retention cyst
Cysts contain fluid resembling barley – water containing spermatozoa

8 Spermatocele: clinical features
Scrotal swelling Location: head of the epididymis, above & behind the body of testis Testis can be felt separately from the body of the testis Soft Fluctuation: usually positive Transillumination test: negative


10 Testicle (grey) and Spermatocele (black)

11 Spermatocele: T/t Aspiration Excision of the cyst

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