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"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

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Presentation on theme: ""If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.""— Presentation transcript:

1 "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."
5/2/2019 Title: Biology 1/5/07 Objectives: To continue learning about Chapter 6 Class Topics Name in book/condition of book Emergency situation review Review previous chapter 6 material Mitosis lab "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675 Thursday, May 02, :58 PM

2 Class Assignments Name in book 1/5/07
5/2/2019 Class Assignments What By When Name in book 1/5/07 W.S. “The Role of Chromosomes” 1/9/07 Mitosis Lab 1/9/07 Chapter 6 Quiz 2 1/11/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 Rules 1. No one is to leave the classroom without permission.
5/2/2019 Rules 1. No one is to leave the classroom without permission. 2. No food or beverages in the classroom. 3. No talking while the teacher or another student is talking. 4. Be in your seat when the bell rings ready to start class immediately. Tardy = not present in the classroom when the bell rings 5. No horseplay, running, pushing or immature behavior will be tolerated. 6. Respect others opinion & property 7. Take care of all equipment. Notify the instructor if you discover something is broken or damaged. 8. No radios, CDs, personal game players, PSP, Game Boy, MP3, tape, eight track, IPod, DVD and/or record players.

4 Miscellaneous Name in book Condition of Book
5/2/2019 Miscellaneous Name in book Condition of Book What do I need to keep from 1st semester?

5 Corrections Each assignment can be corrected a maximum of twice
5/2/2019 Corrections Each assignment can be corrected a maximum of twice Assignments marked DNF cannot be corrected! All corrections must be turned in by the time the test is taken

6 Emergency Procedures Fire Tornado “Secure the Building” Evacuation
5/2/2019 Emergency Procedures Fire Out door to right, down stairs, outside in parking lot - Stay as a group Tornado Out door to right, down stairs and to the right, kneel facing the lockers in the brown hallway - Stay as a group “Secure the Building” Stay in your seat and be quiet - some students may have to move to a lab table Evacuation Travel as a class to south doors and move down sidewalk to load busses

7 5/2/2019

8 Free Time There is none! If you have nothing to do
5/2/2019 Free Time There is none! If you have nothing to do Correct homework Read your book Review your notes Do Not Work on homework from other classes Talk to others Talk to the teacher Randomly read your agenda book Line up at the door If you need something to do, I will give an assignment to the whole class!

9 5/2/2019 Grade Sheet

10 5/2/2019 Review Chromosomes Cell Cycle Cancer Cytokinesis Mitosis

11 Cytokinesis - Forming Daughter Cells
5/2/2019 Cytokinesis - Forming Daughter Cells Animal Cleavage furrow Dividing a balloon in two Plant Cell plate Dividing a room in two

12 5/2/2019

13 5/2/2019

14 5/2/2019

15 5/2/2019

16 Mitosis Lab Each phase must be initialed before moving on
5/2/2019 Mitosis Lab Each phase must be initialed before moving on Sketch a drawing of your own next to the lab’s drawing of each phase Pick up the W.S. The Role of Chromosomes from the lab stool

17 Mitosis Activities University of Arizona Prentice Hall Simple review
5/2/2019 Mitosis Activities University of Arizona Prentice Hall Simple review Cell’s Alive - mitosis Cell cycle

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