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The plasma glucose concentration relative to the rate of IV glucose administered in a representative neonate in the 500-g birthweight category (a) and.

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Presentation on theme: "The plasma glucose concentration relative to the rate of IV glucose administered in a representative neonate in the 500-g birthweight category (a) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The plasma glucose concentration relative to the rate of IV glucose administered in a representative neonate in the 500-g birthweight category (a) and in one in the 900-g birthweight category (b). The plasma glucose concentration relative to the rate of IV glucose administered in a representative neonate in the 500-g birthweight category (a) and in one in the 900-g birthweight category (b). From Cowett AA, Farrag HM, Gelardi NL, Cowett RM. Hyperglycemia in the micropremie: evaluation of the metabolic disequilibrium during the neonatal period. Prenat Neonatal Med. 1997;2:360–365. Anusha H. Hemachandra, and Richard M. Cowett Pediatrics in Review 1999;20:e16-e24 ©1999 by American Academy of Pediatrics

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