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Political situation - Advocacy

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1 Political situation - Advocacy
UN Actors GROUP 2 YEMEN Additional questions Political situation - Advocacy

2 UN Actors GROUP 3 YEMEN Question 1 What needs to be done to improve the continuum of care for treatment of acute malnutrition? - With focus on a referral system to and between CMAM programs

3 Coverage geographical GAP – mismatch in the gaps
MAM Scale up and outreach activities – things have changed, and mobile teams have green area to work, besides Saada and hard to reach areas - 107 priority districts - Outreach and Mobile teams (MT) - Mobile that are not covered by HF and integrated package: IMCI, RH, Immunization and SAM – it will include a 5-person for MAM – coverage MAM - High GAM prevalence - screening MUAC - Once the supplies are there the coverage is going to improve - Focus HF as according to Herams 50% are non-functional or partially functional – need to be reactivate/ rehabilitated– serve more people – cost effectively - Referral system – cash based interventions – systematize it – transportation cost

4 Actions Question 1 In the High priority 107 districts and scale up outreach activities (including comprehensive package SAM/ MAM, IMCI, RH, Immunization) and ensure the rehab HF that need to get function going hand by hand Needs base to scale up the TFC (with cluster 3-4 districts) to have TFCs in the 107 priority districts and assure a strong linkage with OPT services Address co-morbidities – like cholera Strengthen the reporting (mismatch in the gaps and maps presented)

5 Question 2 How to scale up preventive nutrition interventions given the very low performance and link in treatment? Referreral to other services WASH/ FS and prevention activities IFRR lessons learned Mapping where the services are already provided - BSFP coverage – is fairly new Feb/ mar with community level new modality – pilot Prevention community in community vs at HF – 100% and 107 districts More coordination on prevention and treatment by the different actors  Define what is a preventive package - Linkages with GFD - CHV are doing a lot on prevention Mapping where the services are already existing Bottle necks from the IFRR pilot – learning how it is working

6 Actions Question 2 Define prevention package Prevention at 2 levels community and HF Stronger coordination at sub nation level Strengthen reporting (referral) Linkages with other services and prevent relapsing, and focus on the 107 districts for the preventive package

7 Question 3 How to address challenges related to the different modalities of UN agencies? Selection of implementing partners Supplies delivery modalities to HFs Incentive payments Geographical targets Cost effectiveness with joint LoAs, PCS, LSAs Competition and absorption capacity for partners/ NGOs Delay in signing agreements Harmonization of incentives

8 Actions Question 3 Attract more international partners to work in Yemen Build more capacity of national NGOs; Fast processing of agreements; have more joint agreements within the UN agencies and that is already happening on a small scale; No real challenges with modalities of supplies and they are complementary; Incentives harmonized and clear approach north and south and endorsement for both. Have an agreement on modalities of payments More coherence among the UN agencies; Common strategic approach as UN for the delivery of services

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