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Is the website you’re using worth your time?

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Presentation on theme: "Is the website you’re using worth your time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the website you’re using worth your time?
C.R.A.P. Test Is the website you’re using worth your time?

2 Current? Date published/vs Date updated When was the site published?
When was it updated? How old is too old? Info is typically at the bottom of a page. Try the Home button too.  

3 Reliable? Are the facts correct?
Is it fact or is there author bias (opinion)? What is the evidence? Does the author list his resources? MLK site:

4 Authority? Who wrote the page? Who is the publisher or sponsor?
Why are they experts? good authority right click on author’s name is this an expert in the field? even if the data looks good? this website has no author, but the website is the authority?

5 Purpose? Why is this website out there? What is the domain extension?
Informing or selling? What is the domain extension? .com .edu .mil .org .net .gov Other How might this influence the purpose? inform or selling?

6 Put these sites through the CRAP test
Last name A-D Last name E-K Last name L-S Last name T-Z

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