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ASPA Update for Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada

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1 ASPA Update for Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
Joseph Vibert, ASPA Executive Director April 2019; Ottawa ON

2 “Regulation” of Higher Education / Accreditation
Federal Recognition – US Secretary of Education “links” (federal laws requiring accreditors to recognized so students and institutions can access federal funds) Voluntary Recognition – Council for Higher Education (CHEA) States authorize institutions Licensure / certification of professions Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

3 Higher Education Act accreditors must be “separately incorporated and independent” from parent association focus on “student learning and educational outcomes” – reduced attention to inputs (resources and processes such as facilities and equipment) accreditors must have competency-based review capabilities religious mission - onus on accreditor to prove that any adverse action taken against an institution is not the result of the institution’s religious mission completion and workforce participation are the most important student achievement outcomes Education Department should veto accreditation standards that are too low and set consistent consequences that accreditors impose if their standards are not met accreditors must publish their measures and standards for student achievement and the rationale for measures and standards post secondary student data system federal programs such as Title IV student loans and scholarships under the HEA, Veterans Affairs residencies and employment, and various funding programs offered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Separate from associations – especially when the association has institutional and individual members, certification, etc. Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

4 Negotiated Rulemaking
rules to implement Higher Education Act – requirements for accreditors to be recognized “respect” for religious mission credential inflation – employers must pay higher salaries separate and independent – sharing space and services with parent association is indication of undue influence emploe Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

5 CHEA Recognition Policies – 2019
programs must meet all standards to be accredited 7 year recognition cycle (reduced from 10 years) focus on program performance (student achievement), less attention to inputs timely action to prevent substantially underperforming programs from achieving or maintaining accredited status strong quality improvement capacity - accreditors and programs – QA versus QI attention to innovation application of indicators to determine institution or program performance weakness, procedure for intervention and options for action by the accrediting organization in such cases Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

6 ASPA Strategic Activities
Advocacy – issues impacting and value of accreditation Hill visits Outcomes report; Employer engagement report Students and high school counsellors Member Services/Education Professional development and educational programming Guidelines for good practice (risk management, site visitor practices) Relationship Building Stakeholder conferences, meetings, work groups Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

7 ASPA Professional Development – Spring/Fall Conferences
Technology for all aspects of operations Outcomes and communicating value of accreditation Quality improvement processes for accreditors Support and training for programs in the accreditation process Risk Management: consistency and fairness; legal issues surrounding denial of accreditation; due process and appeals; public information – balancing risks with liability; complaints Reminder – members of AAAC can attend ASPA conferences at the member rate Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

8 Questions Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors

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