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Assertion of Kashmiri Identity Prepared By Dr. Muhammad Shafi Bhat (Ph

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1 Assertion of Kashmiri Identity Prepared By Dr. Muhammad Shafi Bhat (Ph
Assertion of Kashmiri Identity Prepared By Dr. Muhammad Shafi Bhat (Ph.D Political Science)

2 Theme of the Presentation
Jammu and Kashmir and its political shifts (post 19th century)

3 Content of the Presentation
Jammu and Kashmir before 19th century Jammu and Kashmir and its Political identity Paradigm shifts in state politics Post 1990 era in Jammu and Kashmir conclusions

4 Introduction Early assertion of Kashmiri identity was the consequence of pitiable socio-economic condition in which the Muslim community was placed during the political regime of Dogra’s.

5 Diverse Character and Jammu and Kashmir,
State and Identity Crisis Emergence of Multiple Political Identities

6 Nationalistic sentiments of Kashmiri people
Operational level of Different political identities Nationalistic sentiments of Kashmiri people Power structures operation at regional levels

7 Collective marginalization of Kashmiris
Kashmir’s political salience at fore front Character assignation of Kashmir

8 A fresh scar at Kashmiri identify
Cultural and political aggression Paradigm shift cultural identity took over by political identity

9 What happened in 1930’s Widening the gap
Backdrop of State's political identity What happened in 1930’s Widening the gap


11 Why big no to Pakistan? ?

12 Indian Assertion

13 Kashmir India Compatibility

14 Post 1930 Constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir
What is article 370? Attempted hijack of identity politics I Kashmir


16 Plebiscite reality or myth
Emergence of new powers in Kashmir 1953 promise


18 Paradigm shift autonomy or Azadi
Regional politics a game changer Post 1990 era in Kashmir Economic onslaught in Kashmir


20 Conclusions Federal option having component of substantive autonomy could be the way-out for overcoming the complex web of problems the state is inflicted with. The recommendations of SAC on the question of centre state relations will be a trend setting for Indian federalism.

21 Thanks Thank you

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