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Study on Learning Effect in Visuomotor Tracking

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1 Study on Learning Effect in Visuomotor Tracking
Yi Su and Xiangmin Zhang May 5, 2010 Visuomotor definition: relating to movement involving visual cues

2 Outline Experimental Design: Complicated! Data: Incomplete!
Initial Checking Model Building: Model 1: Split-Plot Design Model 2: Split-Split-Plot Design Discussion

3 Experimental Design Client’s Goal:
Is there procedural learning for different groups, different tracking methods and different types of sine wave? Two Response Variables measuring subjects tracking performance: Delay: related to phase, good if close to 1 Gain: related to amplitude, good if close to 0

4 Experimental Design: Factors
1. Group (4 levels) People with Parkinson’s Disease People who Stutter Control Group Matched to Parkinson’s Disease Control Group Matched to Stutter 2. Type of tracking method (2 levels) Hand Tracking Jaw Tracking 3. Trial (levels vary from 1 to 3)

5 Experimental Design: Factors
4. Types of sine wave (13 levels) Simple Repetitive 3 levels with large amplitude Complex Repetitive 3 levels with SML amplitude pattern Complex Non-repetitive 3 levels with no amplitude pattern Tracking by Memory 3 levels with target disappearing after 30 seconds Random frequency, random amplitude 1 level

6 Data Only jaw tracking Only one type of sine wave: 0.3 Hz simple repetitive Three Groups: Group 1: Parkinson’s Disease (6 subjects) Group 2: Stutter (8 subjects) Group 3: Control matched to stutter (11 subjects) Two Trials Both delay and gain data

7 Data (continued) Data file from client
Model absolute value of delay away from zero Model absolute value of gain away from one Data for model 1 data file Data for model 2 data file

8 Initial Checking: Absolute Delay

9 Initial Checking: Absolute Gain

10 Model Building: Model 1 The Initial Full Model: SAS Code:
Response (delay or gain) = group + trial + group*trial + SUBJECT (group) + error The response is absolute delay or gain averaged over 60 seconds (51 data points) SAS Code: proc mixed data=summary1; class group subject trial; model delay = group trial group*trial/ddfm=satterth; random subject(group); run;

11 Model Building: Model 1 For Delay Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Num Den Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F group <.0001 trial group*trial For Gain Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F group <.0001 trial group*trial

12 Model Building: Model 1

13 Model Building: Model 1

14 Model Building: Model 2 The Initial Full Model:
Response (delay or gain) = group+ trial + time + group*trial + group*time +trial*time + group*trial*time + SUBJECT (group) + trial* SUBJECT (group) + error The response is absolute delay or gain averaged over 17 data points of 3 consecutive time intervals within a trial. Time treated as continuous in the model In SAS: proc mixed data=summary2; class group subject trial; model delay = group trial time group*trial time*trial time*group time*group*trial/ddfm=satterth; random subject(group) trial*subject(group); run;

15 Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Model Building: Model 2 For Delay Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Num Den Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F group trial time group*trial time*trial time*group*trial

16 Model Building: Model 2 For Gain Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Num Den
Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F group trial time group*trial time*trial time*group time*group*trial

17 Model Building: Model 2 For Delay For Gain
After throwing away all 2-way and 3-way interactions, For Delay Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects Num Den Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F group <.0001 trial time For Gain group <.0001 trial time

18 Discussion There is no trial and time effect in any model we built, indicating no procedural learning over time. Model raw data instead of averaged data Learning may be confounded with fatigue. This may be a reason for no improvement in tracking performance

19 Thank you! Any questions?

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