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Civilian Secretariat for Police 2013/14 ANNUAL REPORT Analysis

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1 Civilian Secretariat for Police 2013/14 ANNUAL REPORT Analysis
16 October 2014

2 INTRODUCTION It is important that the hearings on the Annual Report ensure that the following are assessed: The Secretariat provides high quality services, economical in nature, efficiently and effectively; Services are rendered are in line with the Secretariat’s Constitutional mandate, Strategic plans and Budget; Services rendered by the Secretariat contribute meaningfully to the realization of Government’s overall objectives; and Measures are in place to improve the Secretariat’s future performance. Mandate Domestic Violence Act Implementation of IPID recommendations Policy, research & legislation to guide the SAPS

3 2012/13 2013/14 Achieved 64.1% of predetermined performance targets
PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 2013/14 2012/13 Achieved 64.1% of predetermined performance targets Spent 66.61% of budget 2013/14 Achieved 92% of predetermined performance targets Spent 71.93% of budget Disjoint between targets achieved and expenditure Would have expected it to increase together Targets are all output vs outcome based – makes achievement easier Baselines too low & generalised Committee needs to address this systematically in the 2015/16 APP

4 Expenditure per Programme
SECRETARIAT EXPENDITURE 2013/14 R million main appropriation Adjusted upward to final appropriation of R million Spent R million / 71.93% Surrendered R million back to Revenue Fund Unspent funds increasing 2011/12: R9.838 million 2012/13: R million 2013/14: R million Expenditure per Programme Administration: 77.29% Partnerships: 63.3% Policy & Research: 86.3% Legislation: 62.3% Monitoring & Evaluation: 64.8%

5 Spent R42. 929 million of R60.978 million (70%)
PERSONNEL Spent R million of R million (70%) R on training, which is too low 121 funded posts, of which 102 was filled in 2013/14 19 vacancies – rate of 16% Filling of vacancies should be priority Data on Legislation Programme not stated in Annual Report Grievances misstated in Annual Report (table 10.4, page 51)

6 Targets 48/53 achieved, 90.5% success, 77.29% spent
PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED TARGETS Administration Targets 48/53 achieved, 90.5% success, 77.29% spent Key challenges regarding performance: Risk Management reports not submitted due to Risk Manager not appointed Asset Management Consultative Forums with IPID To ensure greater cooperation between SAPS, IPID and Secretariat regarding the implementation of DVA and IPID recommendations Not yet fully established Outcome of Skills Audit Awareness Campaigns Provincial Secretariats Provinces had until May 2013 to establish Provincial Secretariats (18 months after Act becomes operational) Not all established at the end of March 2013 (only WC & FS established & compliant) Committee should seek clarity and status of implementation

7 15/15 targets achieved, 100% success, 63.3% expenditure
PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED TARGETS Partnerships 15/15 targets achieved, 100% success, 63.3% expenditure 5/13 targets achieved in 2012/13 Target for establishment of Community Safety Forums (CSFs) exceeded (30 vs 18) Findings of the Functionality Report of CSFs Target for public participation meetings exceeded Nature of community outreach programmes - impact? Difference between anti-crime project and initiative What was the nature of these initiatives/projects 40.3% variance between actual and planned expenditure on Compensation of employees

8 13/14 targets achieved, 92.8% success, 86.3% expenditure
PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED TARGETS Policy & Research 13/14 targets achieved, 92.8% success, 86.3% expenditure 15/24 targets in 2012/13 Key Programme of the Secretariat Only target not achieved – White Paper on Safety & Security due to split States target achieved for 3 policy paper – only 2 reported. Secretariat should name the papers completed Removal of target for research to complement the Monitoring & Evaluation programme, especially on the RAG Implementation of Anti-gang Strategy? Information gathered regarding international policing best practice – how does it impact the SAPS?

9 5/6 targets achieved, 83.3% success, 62.3% expenditure
PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED TARGETS Legislation 5/6 targets achieved, 83.3% success, 62.3% expenditure Success rate incorrectly stated in research paper, p. 31 (63.3%) Target exceeded for review of SAPS legislation in accordance with Constitution and policies Regulations not achieved – only for DPCI Longstanding challenge Over-spending on Compensation of employees account Significant underspending of Goods and Services

10 17/18 targets achieved, 94.4% success rate, 64.8% expenditure
PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED TARGETS Monitoring & Evaluation 17/18 targets achieved, 94.4% success rate, 64.8% expenditure Exceeded target significantly on oversight visits Planned 200 & achieved 529 Target too low Reliance on Provincial Secretariats? Underspending on Travel and Subsistence? Number of effective complaints management systems exceeded Planned 1 & achieved 5 – Secretariat should explain Target for uptake of recommendations by the IPID too low (25%) Target for special reports not achieved (0/4)

11 Full implementation of Act Key oversight bodies
CONCLUSION Full implementation of Act Key oversight bodies Must become independent & critical voice Stabilise in terms of budget & performance Targets output based not outcome based Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) priorities If Secretariat can achieve 92% of its targets with 71.9% of its budget, the budget might be too large or targets too low

12 Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: PC on Police 021 403 8416

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