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Les 55 verbes irréguliers indispensables en anglais Shut Sing Sit Sleep Speak Swim Take Tell Think Understand Wear Win Write Be Become Begin Break Bring.

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Presentation on theme: "Les 55 verbes irréguliers indispensables en anglais Shut Sing Sit Sleep Speak Swim Take Tell Think Understand Wear Win Write Be Become Begin Break Bring."— Presentation transcript:


2 Les 55 verbes irréguliers indispensables en anglais Shut Sing Sit Sleep Speak Swim Take Tell Think Understand Wear Win Write Be Become Begin Break Bring Build Buy Choose Come Cost Cut Do Draw Drink Drive Eat Fall Fight Find Fly Forget Give Go Have Hear Hit Hurt Keep Know Leave Lose Make Meet Pay Read Ring Run Say See Sell Send Show

3 « To be or not to be, that is the question… » be[bi:] was / were [w ɒ z / w ɜ : ] been[bi:n]

4 He has become famous become [b ɪˡ k ʌ m] became [b ɪˡ ke ɪ m] become [b ɪˡ k ʌ m]

5 The new year starts on January 1 begin [b ɪˡ g ɪ n] began [b ɪˡ gæn] begun [b ɪˡ g ʌ n]

6 She is breaking an egg break [bre ɪ k] broke [brə ʊ k] broken [brə ʊ kn]

7 The postman is bringing the mail bring [br ɪ ŋ] brought [br ɔ :t] brought

8 He is building a wall build [b ɪ ld] built [b ɪ lt] built

9 She is buying something buy [ba ɪ ] bought [b ɔ :t] bought

10 She is choosing a shirt choose [ ʧ u:z] chose [ ʧ ə ʊ z] chosen [ ʧ ə ʊ zn]

11 He is coming come [k ʌ m] came [ke ɪ m] come [k ʌ m]

12 The tomatoes cost 14.80 a kilo cost [k ɒ st] cost cost

13 The scissors are cutting the paper cut [k ʌ t] cut cut

14 He is doing his homework do[du:]did [d ɪ d] done [d ʌ n]

15 She is drawing draw [dr ɔ :] drew[dru:]drawn [dr ɔ :n]

16 He is drinking water drink [dr ɪ ŋk] drank[dræŋk]drunk [dr ʌ ŋk]

17 She is driving her car drive [dra ɪ v] drove [drə ʊ v] driven [dr ɪ vn]

18 She is eating a strawberry eat[i:t]ate [e ɪ t] eaten[i:tn]

19 They are falling from the sky fall [f ɔ :l] fell[fel]fallen [f ɔ :ln]

20 She is fighting fight [fa ɪ t] fought [f ɔ :t] fought

21 He has found his key find [fa ɪ nd] found [fa ʊ nd] found

22 The eagle is flying fly [fla ɪ ] flew[flu:]flown [flə ʊ n]

23 He always forgets things forget [fə ˡ get] forgot [fə ˡ g ɒ t] forgotten [fə ˡ g ɒ tn]

24 She is giving a gift give [g ɪ v] gave [ge ɪ v] given [g ɪ vn]

25 He is going go [gə ʊ ] went[went]gone [g ɒ n]

26 She has a headache have[hæv]had[hæd]had[hæd]

27 You hear with your ears hear [h ɪ ə] heard [h ɜ :d] heard

28 He is hitting the ball hit [h ɪ t] hit hit

29 She has hurt her elbow hurt [h ɜ :t] hurt hurt

30 We must keep nature clean keep[ki:p]kept[kept]kept[kept]

31 He knows the answer know [nə ʊ ] knew[nju:]known [nə ʊ n]

32 He is leaving the house leave[li:v]left[left]left[left]

33 He has lost the game lose[lu:z]lost [l ɒ st] lost

34 He is making his bed make [me ɪ k] made [me ɪ d] made

35 They are meeting meet[mi:t]met[met]met[met]

36 She is paying pay [pe ɪ ] paid [pe ɪ d] paid

37 She is reading a book read[ri:d]read[red]read[red]

38 The alarm clock is ringing ring [r ɪ ŋ] rang[ræŋ]rung [r ʌ ŋ]

39 She is running run [r ʌ n] ran[ræn]run

40 She is saying something say [se ɪ ] said[sed]said[sed]

41 You see with your eyes see[si:]saw [s ɔ :] seen[si:n]

42 He is selling his house sell[sel]sold [sə ʊ ld] sold

43 He is sending a package send[send]sent[sent]send[sent]

44 He is showing something show [ ʃ ə ʊ ] showed [ ʃ ə ʊ d] shown [ ʃ ə ʊ n]

45 He is shutting the door shut [ ʃʌ t] shut shut

46 She is singing sing [s ɪ ŋ] sang[sæŋ]sung [s ʌ ŋ]

47 She is sitting sit [s ɪ t] sat[sæt]sat[sæt]

48 She is sleeping sleep[sli:p]slept[slept]slept[slept]

49 She is speaking speak[spi:k]spoke [spə ʊ k] spoken [spə ʊ kn]

50 He is swimming swim [sw ɪ m] swam[swæm]swum [sw ʌ m]

51 He is taking a ticket take [te ɪ k] took [t ʊ k] taken [te ɪ kn]

52 She is telling a secret tell[tel]told [tə ʊ ld] told

53 He is thinking think [θ ɪ ŋk] thought [θ ɔ :t] thought

54 She understands understand [ ʌ ndə ˡ stænd] understood [ ʌ ndə ˡ st ʊ d] understood

55 They are wearing costumes wear[weə]wore [w ɔ :] worn [w ɔ :n]

56 He has won a competition win [w ɪ n] won [w ʌ n] won

57 She is writing write [ra ɪ t] wrote [rə ʊ t] written [r ɪ tn]

58 Adapté par Mrs Savourat Inspiré du travail dAnne Pinel La plupart des transcriptions de Sophie Morin Les sons viennent du site dYvan Baptiste

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