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Slovak traditions and habits .

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1 Slovak traditions and habits .
Adam Krivosduský 9.A

2 Slovakia is a country extremely rich in folk habits and traditions
Slovakia is a country extremely rich in folk habits and traditions. Slovak habits and traditions have their own characteristics according to the areas. Some of them left today. Compliance is much higher in rural areas than in cities.

3 On Christmas Eve table should spread plates to an even number
On Christmas Eve table should spread plates to an even number. In the case of an odd number, you would come to the last diners death. People once believed that when on Christmas Eve Something borrowed, summons them to misery. Yet we should not stray from Christmas Eve to get us to not come too reaper death. And to be rich, we should put a coin under the plate or fish's scale. Christmas


5 Single girls should respect the following rituals: During the preparation of dinner should leave the house and met a man who is judged her. Another habit is strict observance of lent. The stricter fasting, the sooner get a good man. If you go out or let alone rituals, thirdly, there is the last one. Peel the apples of the edge and throw it behind the head. The letters which will then resemble the most, it is the initial letter of the name of the forthcoming man.

6 On Christmas Eve table among Slovaks not miss waffles, rolls, honey, garlic and apple.Apple tends to slice on half. If you see a star , it means happiness and health. If you see a cross, the death and disease might come. Before the main meal may be missing soup - fish, lentil, pea or cabbage soup. The most of families in Slovakia have fried carp with mayonnaise salads.

7 Carnival is the period from Epiphany until midnight before the ugly called. Ash Wednesday. Carnival for villagers were great feast and fun and reason for hosting. Tradition combined with a banquet and entertainment, which lasted two to three days. The Carnival season was in the villages and the economy less work than at other times, of course, except in winter. This has greatly influenced the organization of various events in the village. Fašiangy - Carnival


9 Among the traditional dishes of this period, we include ceremonial bread, for example. Fank, fried donuts, bacon with sausage and jelly. Was the custom is to eat properly before the period of fasting and was believed also that the man who hired properly will then be hungry for the rest of the year. People behave during Shrovetide relaxed, have fun at parties and various dances, wardrobe change up in costumes and masks, parody customary behavior.

10 Fank and fied donuts .

11 Thank you for your attention .

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