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The OneRail Coalition Investing in Rail Infrastructure, Creating Jobs Texas Rail Advocates Southwestern Rail Conference January 25, 2013 Anne Canby, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "The OneRail Coalition Investing in Rail Infrastructure, Creating Jobs Texas Rail Advocates Southwestern Rail Conference January 25, 2013 Anne Canby, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 The OneRail Coalition Investing in Rail Infrastructure, Creating Jobs Texas Rail Advocates Southwestern Rail Conference January 25, 2013 Anne Canby, Director The OneRail Coalition a project of the Surface Transportation Partnership 750 First St NE, Suite 901, Washington, D.C. 20002202-466-2641

2 Why a Rail coalition? Elevate the visibility of rail as a key part of the nations transportation system Bring all rail interests together to speak with one voice Integrate rail into national, state, and regional transportation policies, programs, and plans Organized & managed as a project of the Surface Transportation Policy Partnership (STPP)

3 Value of OneRail OneRail brings passenger and freight rail stakeholders together for the first time. Provides a forum to address rail issues The coalition supports freight and passenger rail policies that: boost economic growth and create jobs, enhance mobility, improve energy efficiency, reduce climate related emissions, and improve peoples quality of life

4 OneRail Focus Visibility Expand visibility of rail as a key component of nations transportation system Build a central hub for rail information ( Develop short research/message pieces to tell the rail story Outreach Reach out to target audiences to build support for rail Expand understanding of rail issues (capacity, shared use, safety, etc.) Policy Develop consensus on key policy issues Assist OneRail members in advocacy efforts re: policy positions on national legislation – surface authorization, appropriations

5 Members American Public Transportation Assoc. Amtrak Association of American Railroads Railway Supply Institute American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association States for Passenger Rail Coalition National Association of Railroad Passengers National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association United Transportation Union Brotherhood of Railway Signalmen Transportation Communications International Union Natural Resources Defense Council Surface Transportation Policy Partnership Associate Supporters (to date) AlstomGE Transportation AECOMHNTB Parsons TransportationParsons Brinckerhoff SYSTRA

6 OneRail Goals Shape national surface transportation policies, programs and funding to support freight and passenger rail Leverage public & private funding for rail (Amtrak, HSIR, freight)


8 Cumulative 5-year Annual Capital Expenditures $120 billion in Rail Industry CapEx since 2007 $ Billions

9 Federal Funding for FRA Programs (FY09–12) Rail ProgramFederal Funding ($M)% Obligated* HSIPR$10,19098.8% Includes ARRA$8,000100% Amtrak Capital & Operating$7,256100% RRIF**$980N/A TIGER$32863.2% Includes TIGER I$103100% Includes TIGER II$80100% Rail Line Relocation$7047.6% Disaster Assistance$20100% TOTAL$18,844 * % Obligated does not include award & oversight takedown ** Includes all RRIF loans closed since FY 2009.

10 High Performance Passenger Rail Projects underway in mega-regions representing 65% of the U.S. population

11 TIGER I-IV Rail Projects

12 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS SLIDE 16 Some Major Recent and Underway Intermodal Corridor and Terminal Projects CorridorTerminal BNSF CSX FEC NS UP

13 U.S. Rail Supply Industry 1,759 companies

14 Rail Industry Jobs Type of Railroad Number of Railroads Number of Employees Freight565179,169 Class I7161,743 Short Line & Regional55817,426 Passenger78108,059 Amtrak119,781 Commuter Rail2924,015 Heavy Rail1554,011 Light Rail3610,252 Other (car leasing, carrier affiliates, etc) N/A6,199 Rail Supply Industry Jobs 94,000 Total644387,427

15 MAP-21 and Rail Section 130 Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Program Flexibility for states to use formula funds for freight rail projects, operating support for commuter rail Freight Plans Projects of National & Regional Significance Infrastructure Finance & Innovation Act (TIFIA) Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing (RRIF) University Transportation Center (UTC)

16 AMTRAK FY 2012 RIDERSHIP SETS RECORD 25 of 44 Amtrak services set new ridership records Amtrak set 12 consecutive monthly ridership records; July was the single best month in the history of Amtrak Northeast Corridor had best year ever with more than 11.4 million passengers State-supported and other short distance routes had best year ever with 15.1 million passengers All 15 long-distance routes saw an increase in riders and combined had best ridership in 19 years with 4.7 million passengers From FY 2000 to FY 2012, Amtrak ridership is up 49 percent

17 Source: FRA, Assessment of 2007 Commodity Flow Survey and 2007 Rail Carload Waybill Sample

18 Intermodal - The fastest growing rail traffic segment (Millions of container trailers) Trailers Containers Source: AAR

19 Repositioning National Surface Transportation Policy Timing: Convergence of issues Providing good U.S. jobs remains a challenge Significant growth opportunity for rail freight volumes Strong support for passenger rail (Intercity, high speed, commuter) Fossil fuel use/cost and climate emission concerns Opportunity: Deal on Revenue/Budget Renewal of Rail Safety Improvement Act Renewal of PRIIA Renewal of the federal surface transportation legislation (2014)

20 Upcoming Issues & Opportunities Safety - PTC deadline Dec. 31, 2015 - Truck Size & Weight Study Funding - Stable funding for Amtrak - Funding for Passenger rail - Competitive Program (TIGER) - Railroad Financing (RRIF) Policy & Planning - State Rail Plans - National Freight Policy & Plan Recognizing multi-state rail corridors & rail network

21 Forging a truly integrated rail agenda Define a clear sense of desired outcomes & value for each partner Strong integrated rail network for freight and passenger Build trust among the players Establish a stable funding resource(s) Public capital Be willing to find ways to make it work Identify the benefits for all partners as well as national policy Increase rail share of freight and passenger Identify political support/allies Industry suppliers, labor, users, etc.

22 Rail Community Participation Inform a range of audiences about rails advantages and benefits Outreach to state constituencies to build support for rail Support OneRail policies in surface and other federal legislation Help communicate the OneRail message Comments & Questions?

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