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Adjetivo+mente= Adverbio de modo, cantidad, tiempo, lugar…

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1 Adjetivo+mente= Adverbio de modo, cantidad, tiempo, lugar…
Adjective+ly= Adverb of manner, quantity, time, place… To build it in Spanish, put the adjective in femenine and add mente, if the adjective has tilde/accent keep it in the same place when you make the adverb. Rápidamente= quickly Lentamente= slowly Aproximadamente= approximately Totalmente= totally Parcialmente= partially Completamente= completely Individualmente= individually Absolutamente= absolutely Obviamente= obviously

2 Adjetivo+mente= Adverbio de modo, cantidad, tiempo, lugar…
From Monday to Friday, we eat breakfast quickly. De lunes a viernes, nosotros desayunamos rápidamente. When they go to Starbucks they like to drink their coffee slowly. Cuando van a Starbucks les gusta beber su café lentamente. I have lunch at approximately 11:30. Yo almuerzo a las once y media aproximadamente. My mom thinks that I like green beans but she is totally wrong. Mi mamá piensa que me gustan las judías verdes pero ella está totalmente equivocada. We are going to work individually . Nosotros/as vamos a trabajar individualmente.

3 Do you eat fish for breakfast? No, I never eat fish for breakfast.
¿Tú desayunas pescado? No, yo nunca desayuno pescado. Do you eat fish for breakfast? No, I never eat fish for breakfast.

4 Do you eat fruit for lunch? Yes, I always eat fruit for lunch.
¿Tú almuerzas fruta? Si, yo siempre almuerzo fruta. Do you eat fruit for lunch? Yes, I always eat fruit for lunch.

5 Do you eat bread for snack? Yes, I eat bread for snack sometimes.
¿Tú meriendas pan? Si, yo meriendo pan a veces. Do you eat bread for snack? Yes, I eat bread for snack sometimes.

6 Si, yo ceno carne a menudo.
¿Tú cenas carne? Si, yo ceno carne a menudo. Do you eat meat for dinner? Yes, I often eat meat for dinner.

7 Hacemos preguntas sobre la comida
¿Qué te gusta comer en el desayuno/almuerzo/cena? Me gusta/n… What do you like to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I like… ¿Qué te gustaría comer hoy? Me gustaría comer… What would you like to eat today? I would like to eat… Por favor ¿Me puedes traer los cereales? Si, por supuesto/ como no Can you bring me the cereal, please? Yes, of course ¿Cuál es tu comida/bebida/postre/fruta… favorita? Mi comida favorita es… What is your favorite food/drink/desert/fruit…? My favorite food is.. ¿Prefieres carne o pescado? ¿Prefieres la carne muy hecha, poco hecha o en su punto? Prefiero… Do you prefer meat or fish? Do you prefer the meat wel done, rare or médium? I prefer… ¿Qué quieres beber/tomar? Quiero beber … What do you want to drink? I want to drink…

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