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-Take out a sheet of paper -Fold it in half -On the top of the left hand side write POSITIVE -On the top of the right hand side write NEGATIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "-Take out a sheet of paper -Fold it in half -On the top of the left hand side write POSITIVE -On the top of the right hand side write NEGATIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 -Take out a sheet of paper -Fold it in half -On the top of the left hand side write POSITIVE -On the top of the right hand side write NEGATIVE

2 Quick Write 1. What is your definition of a role model?
2. Who was your most important role model when you were a child? 3. Who is currently your most important role model?



5 Video Clips Support from Obama Single Ladies Let's Move

6 Marking the Text: What is it?
Marking the text is an active reading strategy that asks students to identify information in the text that is relevant to the reading purpose. This strategy has three distinct marks: Numbering paragraphs Underlining Circling.

7 When should I use it? When students are asked to read arguments, students should underline the author’s claims and circle key terms and names of people who are essential to the argument. While reading passages from a textbook, students should underline information that pertains to the reading purpose and circle names, places, and dates that are relevant to the topic being studied.

8 Why should I use it? To mark texts effectively, students must evaluate an entire passage and begin to recognize and isolate the key information. Once the text is marked, students will be able to quickly reference information that pertains to the reading purpose.

9 Underline: -Claims -Information -Definitions Circle: -Details -Key Terms -Names -Places -Dates

10 DO NOW Take out your phones
Search “Socrative Student” in the App store Download “Student Clicker- Socrative” Enter room number

11 Philosophical Chairs Similar to a debate
Develops your ability to pay careful attention to other students’ comments, think critically, and effectively express your opinion You will use your phones to answer the discussion questions Answers will show up on the screen in live time You will then move to whichever side of the room supports your opinion A discussion will then begin in regards to that question Linda, listen!

12 Rules of Engagement Listen carefully when others speak and seek to understand their arguments even if you don’t agree Wait for the mediator to recognize you before you speak; only one person speaks at a time You must first summarize briefly the previous speaker’s argument before you make your response Be sure that when you speak, you address the ideas, not the person stating them If someone makes a compelling argument, you may get up and move to that side of the room I will be the mediator of the discussion. I stay neutral and enforce time limits

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