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National Statistical Institutes: Morocco case
The Value added of regional cooperation for National Statistical Institutes: Morocco case Session number: STS O32 date : 18 July 2017 Hasnae FDHILHCP Affiliation Logo
Outline Introduction From beneficiary to an active partner in the EU - MED Cooperation From bilateral to sub-regional cooperation with INSEE France Statistical cooperation with African countries and institutions Conclusion
Introduction Common challenges need common reflections SDGs indicators
Comparability Harmonisation New data sources Application of UNFPOS Modernisation Etc.
HCP: From beneficiary to an active partner in the EU - MED Cooperation
Member of MEDSTAT Family since 1996 4 Phases: Visible progress in terms of : availability of data harmonization Quality of data Exchange of data Exchange of Experiences
HCP: Value added of the MEDSTAT Programme
Concept built on regional activities with consolidation at national level Continuous harmonisation process adaptation of the new concepts, methods and recommendations needs : consultations with the related IO and Eurosat Consultation with European countries Consultation with MED countries Regional activities with technical assistance at national level
MEDSTAT Outputs: Contininuous harmonisation process
Social statistics sector: Common list of harmonized social statistics (Health, poverty, education, employment) Energy statistics sector: Support in building harmonized Energy balances according to IEA/EUROSTAT/UNECE Transport Statistics sector: Agreement of a common list of transport indicators External Trade statistics sector: Morocco – European Union mirror exercise regarding trade in goods was very successful and useful to check the trade statistics and to analyse and explain the small differences observed.
MEDSTAT Outputs: Development of Common tools
MEDHIMS: Harmonized Household Surveys to measure internationalmigration All the tools needed for the surveys have been developed under this framework ( questionnaires, different manuals, sampling, processing and tabulation) The availability of harmonized questionnaires helps in having comparable data, reduces the work for countries and helps in mobilizing external funds. Conducting such survey in Morocco is a priority. Morocco has already conducted the pilot survey and will conduct the whole survey in 2018.
MEDSTAT value added Sharing Experiences
MEDSTAT is based on a collective approach for sharing technical investment Opportunity for sharing at 2 axis North-South and South-South Being close to the latest development in the field of statistics Strengthening inter-institutional coordination Increasing the visibility of statistics Quality management in NSIs
HCP: From beneficiary to an “actor” in the regional cooperation
Phase I : Morocco as beneficiary Phase II & III: : deeply involved Moroccan experts contributed by 36% to the total working days of short term experts (HCP member of the MIII Connsortium) Transition MIII- MIV: EU- MED
HCP: From beneficiary to an “actor” in the regional cooperation
Transition MIII- MIV: EU- MED Forum of EU-MED Statisticians Partnershipmechanisms set up: WG, Support cell, Coordinators, PNC 7 Thematic WG were created among which 6 are leaded by countries Several activities acheived during the transition period
HCP: From beneficiary to an “actor” in the regional cooperation
Partnership mechanisms set up: Forum, WG, Support cell, Coordinators, PNC 7 Thematic WGs were created among which 6 are leaded by countries Several activities acheived during the transition period Morocco leaded 3WGs Towards a permanent regional cooperation
Value added of the articulation between regional and national cooperation
Complementarily between the 2 ways of cooperation: national & regional Regional cooperation: learn and share the best statistical practices and develop common tools and solution Needs to consolidate and apply what have been learnt Through HCP experience, it’s relevant to ensure an adequate articulation between the two ways of cooperation Value added of the articulation between regional and national cooperation Exemples: TOT-Pool of experts - QAF
HCP: From bilateral to sub-regional cooperation with INSEE France
Long story of fuitful bilateral cooperation between INSEE and HCP (the same with Algéria and Tunisia) The four partners become convinced that the sub-regional cooperation involving the four partners together would be more valuable, especially if it is articulated with a consolidation at national levels.
HCP: From bilateral to sub-regional cooperation with INSEE France
Morocco reshaped its relationship with INSEE by signing an agreement setting up a new strategic orientations: - Fitting the updated needs To move gradually from SV and TA to sub-regional workshops To open the cooperation of other French and Moroccan institution To develop common projects instead of punctual activities
HCP: From bilateral to sub-regional cooperation with INSEE France
Good return on the investment made by the INSEE experts Identification of the lessons learnt from each context. The adaptation of the solutions, or tools used by INSEE needs close consultations with the targeted countries More convergence in terms of the adopted solutions and tools (the use of ERETES or SICORE for automatic codification as an example), Contribution in terms of expertise from the Maghreb countries Development of a pool of experts by conducting joint technical assistance or joint training courses, the automatic codification as an example), -Some sub-regional events are hosted by the Maghreb countries.
HCP: Regional cooperation at African level
HCP Morocco maintains good relationships with African countries Study visists – Technical Thanks to the alliance between the african institutions (UNECA, AU, AfDB) the regional cooperation is highly experienced : Regular meetings with the NSI DGs ASSD Sub-regional institutions (Afristat, upcoming projets of training centers in statistics,..) Regional thématic WGs (AGNA, Civil registration, ….) The big challange of the region is its integration processus: need of comaparble and harmonized statistics. The Crucial role of the regional cooperation
The Value added of regional cooperation for National Statistical Institutes: Morocco case
Conclusion 03/05/2019
Thanks for your Attention
The Value added of regional cooperation for National Statistical Institutes: Morocco case Thanks for your Attention 03/05/2019
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