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Mr. Martino Geometry Room 134 Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Martino Geometry Room 134 Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Martino Geometry Room 134 Contact:

2 How much do we monitor the students progress?

3 How much do we monitor the students progress?
-How much should we monitor what they are doing? -If we monitor too much, are we properly preparing them for college? -If we don’t monitor them enough, what are the consequences?

4 which extreme is better?
__________________________________________ Helicopter parent? Totally hands-off?

5 Teamwork and communication!!

6 - Extra help: Extra help varies each week
- Extra help: Extra help varies each week. Please refer to the weekly agenda to see the upcoming extra help schedule and the upcoming Tests/Quizzes. - e-Board:


8 - Homework: Homework must be complete with work shown in order to receive full credit. Homework counts for 10% of the students Marking Period average. - Tests/Quizzes: Tests and Quizzes will always be announced on the weekly agenda. Tests and Quizzes count as 90% of a student’s Marking Period average. Every Test and Quiz must get signed by a parent and will count as a homework assignment.

9 THANK YOU!!!!!!

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