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Reporting of Preliminary Flood Risk Assesment

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1 Reporting of Preliminary Flood Risk Assesment
Floods Drafting Group Brussels Mette Wolstrup, Atkins Danmark a/s

2 XML schema design Data model Spatial data

3 Two schemas Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)
Identification of areas with Potential Significant Flood Risk (APSFR) FDCommon schema - updated

4 PFRA - schema structure…….
Looking into the document: Floods PFRA and APSFR schema developmemt Atkins v doc

5 PFRA Structural design To decide……
Two elements inserted with a choice option in the schema: 'FloodInformation'and 'FloodNoData' The summary text has been divided into two elements with a choice option: 'SummaryUOMLevel' and 'SummarySignificantFloodEvent'. To decide…… Name of Location used as an idetifier. Recommended that a unique identifier is used for each flood event. New optionial element 'Description of location' inserted in schema.

6 APSFR - schema structure…….
Looking into the document: Floods PFRA and APSFR schema developmemt Atkins v doc

7 APSFR Structural design To decide……
The element 'AreasofFloodRisk' is set to unbounded as multiple areas of flood risk can occur within UoM. To decide…… Same issue regarding an unique identifier as for the PFRA. Necessary in this schema in order to establish link to the dbf file from the spatial reporting. New element introduced 'AssessmentofAPSFR' to support the additional information required for the map production. A new enumeration list has been created in order to hold the three specific assessment options.

8 Data model

9 Floods reporting database
Database structure which supports the schemas Organises information for submission XML conversion tool links to database to create XML schemas Import datasets or manual entry

10 Data model - PFRA

11 Data model APSFR

12 Spatial data

13 Area of potential significant flood risk

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