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Business Final- Bring in textbooks Yearbook project: Tuesday June 13

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1 Business Final- Bring in textbooks Yearbook project: Tuesday June 13
Next week- worktime Due: Tuesday June 6

2 1990s Domestic events? Foreign events?

3 How did the 2000’s change due to terrorism?
Domestic and foreign 9/11 and after

4 Terrorism “Terrorism”- using violence (especially against civilians) to intimidate or accomplish political or ideological goals Guns, bombs, knives, etc No set gender, race, religion of “terrorist” Terrorism did not begin in 2000’s 1993- World Trade Center bombing (6 dead, thousands injured) 1995- Oklahoma City bombing (168 dead, 700 injured) Other examples?

5 2000 Presidential Election
Democrat- Al Gore Republican- George W Bush Al Gore got more physical votes Bush won electoral college States have certain number of votes

6 Republican George W Bush
First priority- cut taxes, boost economy Economy struggled, dot-com companies failed Education reform No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Standardized testing Standards set students must hit What changed priorities?

7 September 11, 2001 8:45 am- airplane flew into North Tower of World Trade Center, NYC Second flew into South Tower Third crashed into the Pentagon in DC (military headquarters) Fourth crashed in Pennsylvania (on its way to DC) Both towers collapsed Hijackers took over planes Terrorists

8 September 11

9 Consequences of 9/11 266 passengers of planes died
125 died in Pentagon 3,000 people died in New York City In towers, first responders, people caught under falling towers More died on 9/11 than Pearl Harbor , D-Day Americans responded quickly Donated blood, money United country

10 Consequences of 9/11 Sept 14- Congress allowed use of force to fight whoever attacked 9/11 terrorists: Al-Qaeda (terrorist organization) Osama Bin Laden (Al Qaeda leader) From different countries (not just one)

11 Terrorism

12 Patriot Act October 2001- allowed secret searches by government
Allowed wiretapping (phones and online) Intention: to prevent terrorism At expense of rights / freedoms? Was the Patriot Act a violation of the right to privacy? Is it worth it?

13 Anthrax October 2001- anthrax attack
Anthrax- bacteria that causes infection, sending powder is biological warfare Spread through mail Sent to government, news organizations 5 killed Caused paranoia, fear

14 War in Afghanistan October US bombed Al Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan Taliban- terrorist group in power “War on Terror” (today) Worked with Afghan forces, searched for weapons of mass destruction 2003- war in Iraq (Saddam Hussein)

15 Consequences of 9/11 3000+ American deaths on 9/11
Two wars- Afghanistan and Iraq Afg- 2,300 American deaths, 20,000 wounded Iraq- 4,5oo American deaths 160,000 civilian deaths Islamophobia / hate crimes ~2000 hate crimes against Muslims since 9/11 Culture of fear Airport security, etc

16 Exit Slip How did September 11th change the United States?
At home Overseas How do you think your life has been shaped by 9/11? Are we still fighting the “war on terror?” Explain. Did we win / are we winning? Homework- Yearbook Project

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