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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MAC Proposal for Low-Energy Wide Area Monitoring] Date Submitted: [Sep 15, 2011] Source: [Seong-Soon Joo, Jong-Arm Jun, Cheol-Sig Pyo] Company: [ETRI] Address: [161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA] Voice: [ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [IEEE 802 TG4k issues a call for proposal] Abstract: [A MAC for low-energy wide area monitoring is proposed.] Purpose: [To contribute the initial process of preparing draft for TG4k] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 MAC Proposal for Low-Energy Wide Area Monitoring
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> MAC Proposal for Low-Energy Wide Area Monitoring Seong-Soon Joo*, Jong-Arm Jun, Cheol-Sig Pyo ETRI <author>, <company>

3 Requirements on LECIM MAC
Design goals of wide area monitoring long lived infra more than 10 years life like network carrier’s infra ease maintained monitoring network high degree of freedom to start the monitoring/maintenance business Design requirements on LECIM MAC guaranteed link access on low duty cycle with low energy minimize contention on a link support to fair access between near and far nodes time-stamping support to ease installation support to ease maintenance support to make network structure simple optimized to network configuration near node hidden node coordinator far node contention node

4 Major Contribution Provide a tool for time-stamping
global time synchronization adjust clock drift with light overhead Contention-free low energy link access distribute access loads on slotted link three grades of link access Extend reaches of link echo back a frame two modes of link repeater Low-energy link management management frame from coordinator for optimized configuration and ease maintenance link power management

5 Time Synchronization in LECIM Network (I)
need time-stamping times of occurrence of events are crucial for observer temporal coordination of the sleep periods for low-energy devices global time synchronization for time-stamping over-the air synchronization coordinator is power-free may have high precision clock afford to transmit clock information periodically in any time scale adjust clock drift of a local device based upon coordinator master clock beacon frame as a global clock tick need a message to broadcast global clock time clock leap second is beacon interval use sequence number of beacon frame for clock sampling low-energy operation for receiving a beacon detect clock tick by waiting a beacon on estimated appearance duration with guard time clock tick interval is selected for balancing the energy consumption and precision of clock

6 Time Synchronization in LECIM Network (II)
BI BI*2Wo coordinator device adjust clock

7 Time Synchronization in LECIM Network (III)
device adjust clock

8 Slot Based Link Access (I)
link access with low energy maximize network wide throughput over consumed energy minimize collision by resource contention, hidden nodes arbitration reduce overhead in access procedure synchronous link access for device time stamping, already have beacon frame and synchronized global clock for contention-free link access, distribute access loads on slotted link to support over 1,000 devices, use DSME multi-frame structure assign a slot to the device convert device address to assigned slot by using hashing function assign several candidate slots for a device slot assignment can be carried in off-line BI = 2BO *aBaseSuperframeDuration SD=2SO *aBaseSuperframeDuration 2BO-SO th superframe beacon beacon beacon beacon TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f 16*2BO-SO-1

9 Slot Based Link Access (II)
uplink access methods in a slot three grades of uplink access real-time transmission reliable transmission loss tolerant transmission different transmission recovery action grade 0 at the start of a slot, transmit the frame without CCA, wait for ACK if failed, retry transmission with CCA and wait for ACK if failed, retry on next candidate slot beacon TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f TS 0x0f TS 0x01 TS 0x00 16*2BO-SO-1 coordinator device gr0 access data ACK mang

10 Slot Based Link Access (III)
grade 1 at the start of a slot, transmit the frame without CCA receive ACK/NACK from next beacon or device management frame if failed, retry transmission with CCA on next candidate slot grade 2 beacon TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f TS 0x0f TS 0x01 TS 0x00 16*2BO-SO-1 coordinator device gr1 access data ACK mang gr2 access

11 Link Repeater (I) Extend reaches of link Link repeater
varying RF environment from/to coordinator devices are located sparsely extend reaches of link from/to coordinator Link repeater echo back a frame after receiving a frame from the coordinator or devices link repeater is power-free or located at ease maintainable place two modes of link repeater according to the limitation on power resource coordinator repeater device

12 Link Repeater (II) coordinator TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11
beacon MNG MNG beacon beacon beacon data TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f repeater upward beacon MNG MNG data TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f repeater downward beacon MNG MNG data TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f device beacon MNG MNG data TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x0f TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x1f

13 Link Management (I) Slot for link management Management frames
downward link for the coordinator beacon slot upward link bi-directional link for device and coordinator slot 1 device uses management slot near to the assigned data slot Management frames from coordinator DeviceStatusRepReq, DeviceLinkControl, DeviceLinkInfor from device DeviceStatusRep, DeviceLinkInforReq coordinator beacon MNG MNG MNG beacon MNG MNG MNG beacon TS 0x00 TS 0x01 TS 0x10 TS 0x11 TS 0x00

14 DeviceStausRepReq (RSSI, LQI)
Link Management (II) Link power management reduce interference range adaptable to radio environmental variance extend life of near end device Power control procedure measure the distance to coordinator detect radio energy from coordinator adjust TX power level reply back to coordinator feedback from coordinator coordinator device DeviceStausRepReq measure RSSI, LQI adjust TX power level DeviceStausRep DeviceStausRepReq (RSSI, LQI) adjust TX power level DeviceStausRep

15 LECIM MAC Procedure coordinator device Beacon get BO, SO, MO, set WO
estimate next beacon arrival time i) join to LECIM network Beacon adjust clock drift sleep Beacon wakeup at BI*2WO wait beacon adjust clock drift Beacon DeviceStatusRepReq/ DeivceLinkControl ii) link management manage device link infor DeviceStausRep sleep Data wakeup at device time slot tx data with grade0 link wait ACK ACK iii) data transmission Data wakeup at device time slot tx data with grade2 link sleep

16 Thanks for your Attention!

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