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Men’s Journey Group Spring 2019

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1 Men’s Journey Group Spring 2019
Enjoy your prayer life by Michael Reeves

2 A typical Night Brief recap of reading Recite the verse you memorized
Discussion questions about reading Discussion on passage from scripture Pray though a selected passage

3 Suggested Further Reading
Same Author Going Deeper Same Topic Further Reading

4 What do I do with the ‘Prayer Passages’
Week # Meeting Date Chapter Memorize Prayer Passage 1 January 22nd 1-2 2 Psalm 1 3 February 5th 3-5 2 Chronicles 7:14 Psalm 107 4 Psalm 130 5 February 19th 6-7 Luke 11:2-4 Psalm 103 6 Psalm 89 7 March 5th 8-9 Colossians 3:17 Psalm 136 8 Psalm 6 9 March 19th 10-11 Romans 8:15 Psalm 139 10 Psalm 13 11 April 2nd 12-14 Hebrews 4:16 Psalm 145 What do I do with the ‘Prayer Passages’ This is the time to discuss ‘how’ to ‘do’ this During the week, take the Psalm listed as a prompt for prayer.

5 Recap of Reading Chapter 1 The ‘problem’
Definition: most people are not good at prayer From leaders to new Christians The ‘problem’ exposes our self-love and self-dependence ‘Prayerlessness always goes hand in hand with a lack of Christian integrity.’ Chapter 2 What is prayer? It is not primarily: a thing ‘to do’ in need of a better method. It is not: a pragmatic way to get what you want It is not: a magic ‘spell’ It is: ‘the primary way true faith expresses itself’ or ‘the chief exercise of faith’

6 Discussion Questions Recite the Memory Verse (just not this week, since there wasn’t one) Have one member of your group spend a few moments praying that God would use this book and study to grow us (corporately) in our faith. What are symptoms of prayerlessness? Do you see any in your life? Why will pragmatism (e.g. “I do prayer, I get X, Y or Z- which I want”) and mysticism (e.g. I do it because it’s spiritual and I feel better) in prayer never deliver on true enjoyment? Last question.. What are both of those things missing? Faith is a side issues in both of them..

7 Prayer Break into groups of 2-3 Read: Psalm 119:33-40 Pray
33  Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes;  and I will keep it to the end. 34  Give me understanding, that I may keep your law  and observe it with my whole heart.  35  Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.  36  Incline my heart to your testimonies,  and not to selfish gain!  37  Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things;  and give me life in your ways.  38  Confirm to your servant your promise,  that you may be feared.  39  Turn away the reproach that I dread,  for your rules are good.  40  Behold, I long for your precepts;  tin your righteousness give me life!   The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 119:33–40. Break into groups of 2-3 Read: Psalm 119:33-40 Pray V33 – pray that God would give us a heart that longs to keep God’s statutes. Pray for a teachable attitude V34 – pray that God would make things clear to you – pray that you would be genuine in your faith and not a hypocrite V35 – pray that God would give you joy as you seek to follow him; praise him if something specific in this area (joy) comes to mind V36 – pray that God would make your times in his word not about you or what you want – pray for self-lessness V37 – pray that your eyes would seek purity. Pray that you would find your life in worthy things V38 – pray that God would teach you to honor and revere him V39 – pray that God would encourage you in areas where your faith is under attack. V40 – pray that we would find life as we find our more about God through faith

8 On your way out- Grab a copy of the schedule Get a book ($5)

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