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Research Paper Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Paper Part 2

2 Your points This section is the pros and cons
The people who are for your topic and against your topic

3 What are my points? The end of your thesis statement
Probably worded: Some people believe ___________________ because _____________. However, there are people who believe ____________________ because ______________

4 Turn to page 12 in your research paper packet
Bullet point two This is the side that you probably don’t agree with (A) Describe their basic viewpoint (write it on your outline)

5 Supporting arguments (B) This is your evidence
These are quotes, statistics, arguments This is where you will need a Works Cited

6 Let’s practice!
Briefly introduce what the quote is going to say. Studies have shown that even drivers believe cell phones are dangerous. “Some studies have shown that drivers themselves believe that cell phones are a bigger distraction than any other behavior in which they engage while driving” (“Unsafe Driving”)

7 Elaborate/summarize So then, although studies have shown that cell phone users have a difficult time themselves, they understand that it is a dangerous practice

8 What it looks like Studies have shown that even drivers believe cell phones are dangerous. “Some studies have shown that drivers themselves believe that cell phones are a bigger distraction than any other behavior in which they engage while driving” (“Unsafe Driving”) So then, although studies have shown that cell phone users have a difficult time themselves, they understand that it is a dangerous practice

9 Finally…. Tuesday: For thesis & history

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