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By: Lynzie Champion, Javar Paige, Matthew Wilson, and Shane Lepofsky

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1 By: Lynzie Champion, Javar Paige, Matthew Wilson, and Shane Lepofsky
Puns By: Lynzie Champion, Javar Paige, Matthew Wilson, and Shane Lepofsky

2 What are Puns? Puns are words that have the same sound (homonyms), but have different meanings. They are usually witty or humorous.

3 Tricks to find Puns Look for a homophone. Look for a misspelled word.
Look at the picture if you have one.

4 Group Examples Read the examples below and explain what each one means.

5 On our own Directions: Groups will come up one at a time when called on. Each group member will take one TEARable pun. After reading the pun, turn the paper strip over and explain what the pun means. After explaining the pun, find a partner and discuss what each of your puns mean.

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