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Word Dissection Lesson #29

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1 Word Dissection Lesson #29
Revised April 2018

2 Make a flashcard for each word part.
On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __

3 acerb = Bitter; sour; angry (amargo/ácido/enojado)
Examples: Acerbate = to make bitter Exacerbate = to increase bitterness acerb = Bitter; sour; angry (amargo/ácido/enojado) Acerbic = having to do with bitter or sour

4 dur dura= Hard; last; continue (duradero/continuo)
Examples: Endure = continue on Duration = having to do with continuing Indurate = to make hard dur dura= Hard; last; continue (duradero/continuo) Durable = able to last or continue Why did a battery company decide to name themselves Duracell? What is their message to you?

5 ped pod pody= Foot (pie)
Examples: Pedal = having to do with foot Multiped = many feet Tripod = three feet Pedometer = measuring feet (or steps) ped pod pody= Foot (pie) Pedestrian = having to do with going on foot

6 soph sophy= Wisdom;knowledge; learning (sabiduría)
Examples: Theosophy = knowledge or wisdom about God Sophophobia = fear of wisdom or knowledge soph sophy= Wisdom;knowledge; learning (sabiduría) Philosophy = love of knowledge

7 Intro__= Within; inside; inner (dentro)
Examples: Introflexion = having to do with bending inside Introvert : turning inside Introduce = leading in Introgress = going in Intro__= Within; inside; inner (dentro) Introspection = having to do with looking inside or within

8 junct= Connect; join (conectar/unir)
Examples: Subjunctive = connecting or joining under Adjunct = connecting to Conjuction = having to do with connecting junct= Connect; join (conectar/unir) Junction = having to do with connecting

9 term termin= End; limit; boundary
Examples: Coterminous = ending together (as in same border or boundary) Exterminate = ending totally term termin= End; limit; boundary (fin/límite) Terminal = having to do with the end *When used in relation to a disease, it means the person will die from the disease, i.e. terminal cancer.

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