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Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns

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1 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns

2 Camera Calibration M c y c x m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M A [R t]
Object Space Image Space M y c m x c m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M f x y alpha* o 1 A [R t] extrinsics camera intrinsics

3 Camera Calibration M c y c x m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M A [R t]
Object Space Image Space M y c m x c m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M f x y alpha* o 1 Camera calibration is about finding the camera intrinsics But, why do we need them? A [R t] extrinsics camera intrinsics

4 Camera Calibration Common approach Non-planar pattern Planar pattern

5 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
ICCV Zhang’99: “Flexible Calibration by Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations” m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M A [R t] Minimize: estimate: A [R t] M observed

6 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
ICCV Zhang’99: “Flexible Calibration by Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations” m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M A [R t] Two steps: Find an initial solution for A [R t] Minimize the objective function using the initial solution Minimize: estimate: A [R t] M observed

7 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
Finding an initial solution First step Estimate the image homography matrix H for each image [u, v, 1]T Minimize: Initial solution for minimization: L x is the eigenvector of LTL with smallest eigenvalue

8 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
Finding an initial solution First step Estimate the image homography matrix H for each image Second step Solve for b in the linear system: V b = 0 V = B = A –T A -1 b is the eigenvector of VTV with smallest eigenvalue

9 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
Finding an initial solution First step Estimate the image homography matrix H for each image Second step Solve for b in the linear system: b yields the intrinsic parameter matrix A. Rotation matrix [r1 r2 r3] and translation t is computed from: V b = 0

10 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
Finding an initial solution First step Estimate the image homography matrix H for each image Second step Solve for b in the linear system: b yields the intrinsic parameter matrix A. Rotation matrix [r1 r2 r3] and translation t: But the computed rotation matrix does not satisfy the properties of rotation matrix: RTR=RRT=I. One can it enforce by: min||Rnew - R||, [U D V] = SVD(R), Rnew = UVT V b = 0

11 Camera Calibration from Planar Patterns
m = [Camera Projection Matrix] M A [R t] Two steps: Find an initial solution for A [R t] Minimize the objective function using the initial solution Minimize: use “lsqnonlin” in Matlab estimate: A [R t] M observed

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