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Past continuous OR past simple.

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Presentation on theme: "Past continuous OR past simple."— Presentation transcript:

1 past continuous OR past simple

2 Nurhak-----------(buy)this house last year
bought Nurhak (buy)this house last year and (move) to it last month. moved

3 Batuhan---------------------(work)on his computer
was working Batuhan (work)on his computer when the phone (ring). rang

4 Sanem------------(have) a dog when she-----------(be)a small girl.
had Sanem (have) a dog when she (be)a small girl. was

5 I -----------(see) Ezgi at the airport,
saw I (see) Ezgi at the airport, while she (wait)for her plane. was waiting

6 lit sat Begüm (light) a fire and (sit) in front of it.

7 Emre-----------------(read) from 10 pm to 11 pm last night.
was reading Emre (read) from 10 pm to 11 pm last night.

8 Emine--------------(burn) her hand, as she------------------(iron)
burnt Emine (burn) her hand, as she (iron) was ironing

9 My sister---------------(get) married in 2002.
got My sister (get) married in 2002.

10 Everyone-------------------(look) at her,
was looking Everyone (look) at her, when the bellydancer (dance). was dancing

11 Mert----------------(fish) all day,
fished was fishing Mert (fish) all day, but he only (catch) an old shoe. caught

12 A big stone--------------(fall) on Umut’s leg
fell A big stone (fall) on Umut’s leg when he (climb) the mountain. was climbing

13 Veysel---------------(visit) many countries
visited Veysel (visit) many countries when he (travel) around the world. was travelling

14 Esra-----------------(play) tennis for two hours yesterday afternoon.
played Esra (play) tennis for two hours yesterday afternoon.

15 When his mum -------------(arrive)home,
arrived When his mum (arrive)home, Ertuğrul (sleep). was sleeping

16 was Doruk (be)afraid and he (scream)when he (see) a mouse. saw screamed

17 Emine and Seda----------------(sit)in a cafe ,
were sitting Emine and Seda (sit)in a cafe , when I (see)them. saw

18 Uğur-----------------(cut)his finger,
when he (chop)the carrots. was chopping

19 Aysel---------------(ride)her bike,
was riding Aysel (ride)her bike, as Erdem (paint) a picture. was painting

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