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Napoleon The Rise of an Emperor.

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1 Napoleon The Rise of an Emperor

2 Napoleon’s Rise to Power
1769: Born to a lower-level Noble family on the Island of Corsica, a French controlled island in the Mediterranean At age 9, he was sent to France to begin his military training During the French Revolution, he rose quickly in the ranks of the French Army

3 Rise to Power Cont’d Napoleon enjoyed numerous military victories in Austria and Northern Italy. He also suffered major losses, but was able to hide that fact from his superiors in the French Army. Once he returned from his tours of duty, Napoleon converted from a Military leader to a political leader.

4 From Military to Political Leader
1799: Napoleon helped to overthrow the Directory, the informal government created in France after Robespierre’s death. He set up a three-man government body called the Consulate. He made himself the “First Consul”, and later, made himself “consul for life.”

5 From Political Leader to Emperor
Two years after the Consulate was formed, Napoleon had enough power to name himself “Emperor” of France. 1804: He asked the Pope to preside over the ceremony, but during the ceremony, he took the crown from the Pope’s hand and crowned himself Emperor. WHY DID HE DO THAT?

6 France Under Napoleon: Reformer
To “fix” the poor economy in France, Napoleon controlled prices, encouraged new businesses, built roads and canals. He replaced “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” with “Order, Security and Efficiency” as the French slogan. He set up a strict public school program under government control—stressed militarism and nationalism

7 Napoleon as Reformer Cont’d
Napoleon improved relations with the Catholic Church at the Concordat of 1801 which established a state controlled Catholic church, but allowed religious freedom for Catholics. He encouraged immigrants to come to France as long as they took and oath of loyalty He gave peasants the right to continue to own land

8 Napoleon as Reformer Cont’d
He made jobs “open to talent” meaning talent, not birthright, determined your ability. NAPOLEONIC CODE: All male citizens are equal before the law Advancement was based on talent/drive Religious tolerance Women lost rights under the N.C., Napoleon gave fathers and husbands complete control over their families (Napoleon insisted on rigid control)

9 Napoleon as Empire Builder
Napoleon’s greatest ability was being a military leader. He won many battles across all of Europe Suffered defeats as well, but downplayed them ANNEXED the Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of Italy and Germany. Ended the “Holy Roman Empire” and created the Rhine Confederation, a 38 member alliance, under French Rule

10 Napoleon as Nation Builder Cont’d
To keep peace across Europe, he would often unseat a King or Queen, then place family members or friends as the new ruler. (Spain/Joseph Bonaparte) All of this expansion and his military victories quickly glorified Napoleon and France. There was extreme Nationalism in France.

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