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Word Dissection Lesson #28

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1 Word Dissection Lesson #28

2 Make a flashcard for each word part.
On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __

3 onym onymy= Name (sound)
Examples: Heteronym = different sounds (i.e. lead/lead or bass/bass or read/read) Homonym = same sound (i.e. new/knew or hair/hare or here/hear) Caconymy = bad sound onym onymy= Name (sound) (nombre/sonar) Autonym = self named

4 pel pell = Drive; push; force
Examples: Compel = to force or drive with or together Repellent = to force away Propeller = push forward pel pell = Drive; push; force (empujar) Expel = force or push out

5 hypo = Below; under; not enough; slow (debajo)
Examples: Hypothermal = not enough heat Hypogenous = under producing Hypoalgesia = under pain (decreased sensitivity or feeling of pain) hypo = Below; under; not enough; slow (debajo) Hypodermal = under or below the skin

6 neur neuro= Nerve; nervous system (nervio)
Examples: Neuralgia = nerve pain Polyneuritis = inflammation of many nerves neur neuro= Nerve; nervous system (nervio) Neurology = study of the nervous system

7 port= Carry (llevar) Examples: Import = carry in Export = carry out
(Chinese Exports) Deportation = having to do with carrying out port= Carry (llevar) Portable = able to carry

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