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An introduction to Patient Experience in GP practices Sarah Neil Quality Manager – Patient Experience .

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1 An introduction to Patient Experience in GP practices Sarah Neil Quality Manager – Patient Experience .

2 GP practices must review any feedback that they receive with their Patient Participation Group with a view to agreeing with that Group the improvements (if any) which are to be made.

3 What types are feedback are there?
Reviews and stories that patients post online. Care Opinion, Healthwatch, Friends and Family Test Scores (see Comments Complaints, concerns, comments, compliments (anonymised themes) GP Patient Survey,

4 Search for your practice at http://www. gp-patient. co
Search for your practice at for some basic information or click on ‘analysis tool’ to generate more in depth reports. For a city wide report go to and choose ‘Sheffield’

5 Does my practice share feedback with patients
Does my practice share feedback with patients? What would be the best way for them to do this? How well does the practice respond to feedback? Is there anything that the could do differently? ? What areas get good feedback? What can we learn from the positives? Do different groups have different experiences? What is the top priority for improvement? Is the feedback in the patient survey similar to other feedback that the practice receives?

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