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TI LaunchPad I/O Programming with Energia

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Presentation on theme: "TI LaunchPad I/O Programming with Energia"— Presentation transcript:

1 TI LaunchPad I/O Programming with Energia
Chapter 1 TI LaunchPad I/O Programming with Energia

2 TI MSP432P401R Microcontroller High-Level Block Diagram

3 MSP432P401R 100-pin Package Pin-out

4 MSP432P401R Pin-out

5 TI MSP432 Launchpad board

6 MSP432 LaunchPad Ports from MSP432 Launchpad user guide

7 MSP432 LaunchPad Ports from MSP432 Launchpad user guide

8 J1-J5 pin map on an MSP432 LaunchPad

9 J1-J5 pin map on an MSP432 LaunchPad

10 The Data and Direction Registers and a Simplified View of an I/O pin

11 Some Energia Functions Used for I/O
Description Syntax pinMode(); Designate the pin as OUTPUT or INPUT pinMode(pin#, mode); digitalWrite(); Write a LOW or HIGH to a pin digitalWrite(pin#, value); digitalRead(); Read the status of pin digitalRead(pin#); delay(); Create a delay in millisecond delay(ms);

12 LED connection to P2 of MSP432 LaunchPad board

13 Connecting External Switches to the Microcontroller

14 MSP432 LaunchPad user push-button connections

15 TI Tiva LaunchPad board

16 TI Tiva TM4C123 Microcontroller High-Level Block Diagram

17 TM4C123G Pin-out

18 TM4C123G Pin-out

19 TI Tiva TM4C123G LaunchPad J1-J4 Pin-out (See Appendix A for complete listing)

20 LED connection to PORTF in TI Tiva LaunchPad

21 Push-button Switches Connected in the Tiva LaunchPad Board

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