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Southern colonies Social Studies 7 Mrs. Kukla.

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1 Southern colonies Social Studies 7 Mrs. Kukla

2 Maryland Founded by Lord Baltimore for Catholics
                                                                            Founded by Lord Baltimore for Catholics Act of Toleration- document that gave religious freedom to all Christians

3 Carolinas Split because of differences into North and South
North Carolina had small farms South Carolina had large plantations rice was a major crop for both colonies

4 Georgia Founded by General James Ogelthorpe For debtors from England
A debtor is a person who owes money

5 Indentured servants Indentured servants worked without wages for 4-7 years in exchange for passage to the Americas They were eventually replaced by slaves

6 Middle Passage Most southern colonies had slavery
                                                                                                                                                   Most southern colonies had slavery The Middle Passage is the voyage of Africans to the colonies Slaves had to endure very poor conditions on the voyage






12 Slave Codes Slave codes were laws that set out rules to control slaves behavior.

13 Questions 1. Who founded Maryland? 2. For what people?
3. What was the major difference between North and South Carolina? 4. What crop did they both produce?

14 More Questions 5. Who was Georgia founded for?
6. What was the Middle Passage? 7. What were slave codes? 8. Why do you think slave owners wanted slave codes?

15 Great Job!

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