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Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/1 ISO 24801-2 / EN 14153-2 "AUTONOMOUS DIVER" Night Diving.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/1 ISO 24801-2 / EN 14153-2 "AUTONOMOUS DIVER" Night Diving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/1 ISO 24801-2 / EN 14153-2 "AUTONOMOUS DIVER" Night Diving

2 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/2 We will cover Why and Who should go Dive Planning Extra Equipment Personal Boat Shore Based Dive Brief & Buddy Checks During the Dive After the Dive

3 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/3 Why go Night Diving? Underwater life different Challenge, pushing out the envelope Different procedures, new skills

4 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/4 Who Should Go Recommended Club Diver (Diver **) Experienced Diver

5 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/5 Planning Local Knowledge Dive the site in daylight Note hazards & alternate exit point Lights on shore to aid navigation

6 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/6 Personal Equipment Torch or Lantern, types, min. one per diver Back up light recommended Good batteries Light sticks Whistles Min tank size of 12 l.

7 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/7 Boat Equipment Lights to be seen by other vessels Lights to see diver on the surface Correct use of lights & backups Shot line light or strobe

8 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/8 Shore Based Equipment Marking of exit point Use of Leading Lights Emergency Vehicle Slip or other boat recovery area

9 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/9 Dive Brief Correct use of lamps Procedure if a torch fails Procedure for lost buddy Depth and direction / navigation Beware of looking only at the lit area Procedure if lost on the surface Diver recall signals Extra care by coxn.

10 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/10 Signals Using Dive Torch O.K.Something wrong (Click on images)

11 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/11 Buddy Check All the usual checks Lamps OK? Compasses OK? Demonstrate use of lamps

12 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/12 During the Dive All the normal procedures Dont shine in buddies face (or your own) Check buddy often Monitor direction constantly Look all around, not only down

13 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/13 After the Dive Report to the shore marshal Complete logs and debrief Take care in the boat & unloading Check for gear left behind

14 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/14 Summary Extra Planning & Equipment New Skills - Use of lamps Maintain Night Vision Safety in Boat Handling Safety & Consideration on Shore

15 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/15 ISO 24801-2 / EN 14153-2 "AUTONOMOUS DIVER" Questions

16 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/16 When may a dive be classified as a Night Dive? a)Between sunset & sunrise b)During hours of total darkness c)After midnight

17 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/17 When may a dive be classified as a Night Dive? a)Between sunset & sunrise b)During hours of total darkness c)After midnight

18 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/18 Divers lamps and torches are used to: a)Illuminate hand signals b)Allow the diver to be seen c)Allow the diver to see d)All the above

19 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/19 Divers lamps and torches are used to: a)Illuminate hand signals b)Allow the diver to be seen c)Allow the diver to see d)All the above

20 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/20 Night diving can be more stressful and result in: a)Night blindness b)Loss of feeling in the hands c)Greater air consumption d)Fear of depth

21 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/21 Night diving can be more stressful and result in: a)Night blindness b)Loss of feeling in the hands c)Greater air consumption d)Fear of depth

22 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/22 We must not shine lamps directly into other divers eyes, because: a)They will see us b)Their Night Vision will be reduced c)They will be seen by the coxn d)We will see them

23 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/23 We must not shine lamps directly into other divers eyes, because: a)They will see us b)Their Night Vision will be reduced c)They will be seen by the coxn d)We will see them

24 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/24 A coxn MUST carry spare lamps, so that: a)A diver, whose lamp has failed may borrow one b)The assistant coxn will have a light of their own c)There will always be a light in the boat

25 Copyright 2012 CFT NITE/25 A coxn MUST carry spare lamps, so that: a)A diver, whose lamp has failed may borrow one b)The assistant coxn will have a light of their own c)There will always be a light in the boat

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