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Lack of RAD51 nuclear foci identifies PARPi‐sensitive PDX tumors

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1 Lack of RAD51 nuclear foci identifies PARPi‐sensitive PDX tumors
Lack of RAD51 nuclear foci identifies PARPi‐sensitive PDX tumors APercentage of geminin‐positive, RAD51 nuclear foci‐containing cells detected by immunofluorescence in FFPE samples from PDX tumors treated with vehicle or PARPi (larger views and separate channels are shown in Appendix Fig S2). Error bars indicate SEM from independent tumors (n ≥ 2). PARPi response is shown in the summary underneath: white box: PD; black box: PR/CR. Immunofluorescence staining of RAD51 foci in PARPi‐ and vehicle‐treated PDX tumors is shown. Alterations in HRR‐related genes are also summarized: hBRCA1: BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation and lack of BRCA1 expression and BRCA1 nuclear foci formation.BRestoration of RAD51 foci formation in PARPi acquired‐resistant PDXs. Immunofluorescence staining of BRCA1 and RAD51 foci in PARPi‐treated tumors from STG201, PDX302, and the corresponding PARPi acquired‐resistant models (STG201OR and PDX302OR). Scale bars: 10 μm.CQuantification of geminin‐positive cells that exhibit γ‐H2AX nuclear foci following treatment with vehicle and olaparib. Paired t‐test in PARPi‐sensitive (CR/PR) versus PARPi‐resistant (PD) PDXs. Marta Castroviejo‐Bermejo et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2018;emmm © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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