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Ancient Egypt.

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1 Ancient Egypt

2 Geography Nile River is the longest river in the world (4,100 miles)

3 Geography Cataract= waterfall or stretch of rapids
Delta= marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of the river (triangle) Upper (inland) and Lower Egypt (delta) Nile flows northbound

4 Environment Nile was consistent Egyptian stayed close to the river
Invaders were shut out because of Sahara (natural barriers) Traded with Mesopotamia

5 Clip: Man vs. Wild- The Sahara

6 First Kingdoms First divided into 2 kingdoms (Upper & Lower)
Upper Kingdom King Menes, united all of Egypt Capitol became, Memphis Began the first Egyptian dynasty

7 Clip: The Pharaoh Report (Horrible Histories)

8 Pharaoh = Egyptian god-king
Theocracy= government in which the ruler is seen as divine The pharaoh caused: the sun to rise, the Nile to flood, and the crops to grow

9 Pyramids Pyramids (tombs) were more important as their palace
Pyramids were built as soon as leaders took reign

10 Built of stone, granite and limestone
Pyramids show strength of Egypt

11 Clip: Inside a Pyramid

12 Religion Polytheistic
Most important, Ra, the Sun God, and Horus, the god of light Isis, represented the ideal mother and wife Worshiped about 2,000 gods and goddesses

13 Clip: Prince of Egypt, “Playing with the Big Boys”

14 Clip: Horrible Histories, Egyptian Gods

15 Afterlife Life continued after death
Osiris, god of the dead, would judge Objects were buried with them that they would need in the next life

16 Mummification =embalming and drying of the corpse to prevent it from decaying

17 How to Mummify: 1. Announcement of Death 2. Embalming the Body
3. Removal of Brain (hook inserted in nose) 4. Removal of Internal Organs (liver, lungs, stomach and intestines Taken out by slit on the abdomen, each was stored in canopic jars 5. Drying out Process (with salt, left outside for 40 days) 6. Wrapping of Body

18 Clip: Pet Mummies in SLC

19 Slavery Captives from foreign wars Served in the homes, and mined gold
Egyptians could change social classes

20 Writing Hieroglyphics= Egyptian writing system
Papyrus= tall stalks of reeds used to make paper Egyptian writing was lost for centuries until the Rosetta Stone was found in 1799

21 Clip: Hieroglyphics, Horrible Histories

22 Inventions Early form of geography (Nile)
Skillful architects & engineers First to use columns (homes, temples, palaces) Calendar (time the flooding) Medicine, surgeries (mummifications)

23 Activity

24 Activity: Different Beliefs in the Afterlife
Groups of 2-3 Read Information Create a visual of your religion’s point of view of the afterlife Share

25 Beliefs in the Afterlife
Journey and struggling to unite with your family Punishment, go through hell first to get to heaven, limbo (between) heaven/hell, punishment Journey, waiting period, house of the dead Heaven/hell (punishment) Reincarnation, rewards/punishments to move in cycle Heaven/hell, all will live forever, depends on deeds, select few will go to heaven Feared death, journey, punishment for good and bad, paradise Life is prison, all men are gods No hell (cease to exist), righteous live with god, 1,000 year war, survivors go to kingdom with god Judgment day, heaven/hell Spirit and physical world are similar, dream time,

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